Steve Bannon declared himself guilty of Flash the donors of the “We Build The Wall” campaigna fundraising operation to help fulfill Trump’s promise to build a wall along the US and Mexico border during their first term.
Steve Bannon, former US president’s counselor, said Tuesday to blame donors from a private campaign to build a wall along the southern US border.
Bannon, former Donald Trump-structure, was guilty of a New York Court of Flash the donors of the “We Build The Wall” campaign (We built the wall), a fundraising operation to help fulfill Trump’s promise to build a wall along the US and Mexico border during its first term (2017-2021).
The former-structure was initially charged in a federal court with three coarguids, but Trump forgiven it in 2021 before leaving the White House, without forgiving the rest, whose assets were confiscated in the context of a lawsuit intended for Recover the money lost by the thrilled donors.
Steve Bannon foi indicted in September 2022 in this case of financial fraud of $ 15 million (14.5 million euros), accused of capital bleaching and diversion of funds.
The former US president’s counselor was sentenced to Three years of paroleduring which it will not be able to head any organization or raising of funds and was ordered that do not use donor datawhich were collected during the campaign “We Build the Wall”.
Construction of several kilometers of wall on the border with Mexico
The campaign, created in 2018 after Trump fired Bannon as his main stratega, rapidly raised more than $ 20 million (19 million euros) and was responsible for Construction of several kilometers of the wall along the US and Mexico border.
Two other men involved in the case, Brian Kolfage and Andrew Badolato, declared themselves guilty and were sentenced to prison sentences. A third defendant, Timothy Shea, was convicted and also sentenced to the prison penalty.
In October 2022, Bannon was sentenced to four months in prison for refused to collaborate with a parliamentary inquiry into the attack on the capitol on January 6, 2021, carried out by Trump supporters in an attempt to prevent the transfer from preventing the transfer. From then-President Donald Trump’s power to US presidential presidential elections in 2020, Joe Biden.