There are 18,000 accredited people to access secret data. From police to cleaning employees

by Andrea
There are 18,000 accredited people to access secret data. From police to cleaning employees

DragosCondreaw / depositphotos

There are 18,000 accredited people to access secret data. From police to cleaning employees

The National Security Office revealed that there are secret data that is in the hands of 18 thousand Portuguese. After all, who can have access to classified state information?

with access to confidential information. After two weeks ago, what was the former chief of staff of António Costa (when he was prime minister); The National Security Office now reveals that there is 18 thousand Portuguese accredited to access secret data.

The number is revealed this Monday by the newspaper, which clarifies that to obtain security accreditation it is necessary to fill a long formwhich is crossed with data collected by the police and the secrets, with the purpose of assessing whether that person is suitable for accessing sensitive information.

The data is divided into four degrees: “very secret”, “secret”, “confidential” and “reserved”. But there is, then, the documents subject to state secretwho have their own regime.

Although the “state secret” is at the top of the pyramid that protects sensitive information, the public writes that to access Just have an authorization who classified the documents, Without the need for investigation Preview about the suitability of those who will know them.

The morning describes this as a legal failure that a legislative change proposed by the National Security Office now intends to resolve.

Who is accredited?

It is estimated that there are 18,000 people accredited to access the classified information, in a total of 37,800 Security credentialssince each person usually has two certificates, one for confidential documents and one for secrets, which are valid at most for three years.

Among these people are Police leaders such as PSP, GNR and PJheads of the office of rulers (as happened in the case of Vitor Scária), but also Drivers or cleaning employees. That is, those who have the opportunity to access, even if involuntarily, must be accredited.

It does not mean that they have access

However, the fact that they are accredited It does not mean that they have access to sensitive matter.

“This certificate does not allow its holder to have access to all matters classified in the degree specified in that document, but only those who, by the nature of their functions, need to know,” specifies the classified information regime, created in 1988, quoted by the public.

Only a very restricted group of people is dismissed from the accreditation process. This is the case of government members and regional governments. A simple act of possession -leave us automatically accredited for all security classifications.

The transfer of “very secret” information between departments is later made by the ENVELOPE DOUBLE SYSTEM.

The document is always closed in two envelopes, strong and opaque. The outside has only the body’s address and the destination service. The inside is closed with a safety seal and should have printed, in a very visibly visible way, or marked the stamp, the indication “Very secret”.

Social Security risks a fine

According to an investigation from the magazine, the content of the pen found in the Vitor Vitor’s office corresponded to Files stolen by a superior inspector of a social security database in June 2019, with hundreds of data from hundreds of people with public office.

No Entanto, a Social security will not have notified this violation of personal data, to the National Commission for Data Protection, which, according to, may be worth a fine of up to 10 million euros.

At issue are 81 files sent by email to various recipients, including the national director of the Judicial Police, where Internship demanded “500 thousand euros In notes of 20 and 50 non -numbered euros ”, for the non -disclosure of the data.

The intern was sentenced in March 2020 for attempted extortion and improper access. However, it was considered unimputable for suffering from mental illness.

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