This is one of the healthiest pot plants. Check how to take care of it

by Andrea
This is one of the healthiest pot plants. Check how to take care of it

Interesting appearance, he clinics and very low requirements – these values ​​could be described by aloe vera. We recommend its purchase for an apartment because It is a beautiful decoration, and it does not cause difficulty in care. In this article we present the most important information about this specimen.

Aloe has found use in natural medicine and cosmetics. In addition, it is also used in the production of healthy food and dietary supplements. All thanks to its healing properties. In question?

The juice and pulp from the pulp and skin of the specimen are important. It is in these parts that there are vitamins: A, C, E, as well as minerals, i.e. sodium, calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, chrome, selenium, iron, copper. In addition, they also contain amino acids, organic acids, fatty acids, polypeptides, saccharides, saponins, steroids and plant hormones and many other active substances.

Aloe juice helps with digestive and intestinal diseases. In addition, it supports the detoxification of the body, has a positive effect on liver function and prevents the formation of stones in the kidneys.

It provides valuable support in the event of weakened immunity and nutrient deficiencies. It also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system – supports his regeneration. People struggling with diabetes should know that it lowers blood sugar levels.

Aloe accelerates the wound healing process, reduces swelling and has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Its properties help cleanse the body of microorganisms, supporting the fight against skin infections, mycoses or hard to heal wounds.

Thanks to the content of highly moisturizing substances, Aloe has long -term levels of skin hydration. It penetrates its structure much faster than water, at the same time improving blood supply and strengthening blood vessels. For this reason, it is especially recommended for people with dry and sensitive skin.

Aloe is growing best in a bright positionbut do not expose it to direct sunlight. The temperature for this specimen cannot be lower than 7 degrees Celsius, which is why in our climate it is only suitable for growing at home and greenhouses.

We plant this plant in fertile, permeable soil. It’s best to choose a mixture of ordinary flower soil with coarse sand.

We water aloe rarely-summer and spring every 2-3 weeks, while in autumn and winter every 3-4. It is a frequent mistake in growing this plant to pour itas a result of which the roots and leaves begin to rot. We must therefore irrigate it only when the ground is completely dried.

As for fertilization this specimen, we carry out this procedure from spring to the end of summerevery 10 days. We use fertilizer for potted pots with increased potassium content. We can prepare ourselves.


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