Crugging of blackcurrant is one of the most important care treatments of this plant. Thanks to it, we stimulate the shrubs to produce new and strong shoots that will bear fruit in the season. In addition, we protect them against diseases and pests. However, we need to know at what time and how to cut the blackcurrant.
In the case of freshly planted blackcurrant bushes, pruning should be done before the arrival of frostsbecause this root plant in late autumn, and sometimes even during a gentle winter. If we missed this date, then we carry out the cut at the turn of February and March. What about older specimens?
As for older bushes, the cut should be carried out regularly from the 4th year of cultivation. There are three dates for this procedure:
- After the harvest – in August;
- – in November;
- In winter – in February.
We can possibly make a cut at the beginning of Marchhowever, before the development of flower buds. If we do it later, the plant will start dropping buds, which means that we will not have abundant crops.
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In the case of young shrubs, we shorten all shoots quite strongly above the groundmore precisely over 3 or 4 bud. Thanks to this treatment we will receive a blackcurrant consisting of 3.4 branches, the length of which is about 50 cm.
The situation is slightly different in those older plants that are at least 4 years old. We remove the oldest, woody brancheslimiting the growth of these young people. We also get rid of damaged, sick and weak parts So that the bush does not lose energy on regeneration.
We leave 1 or 2 stitches above the bud. Thanks to this technique, we will guarantee the best fruiting.
Many people wonder when to start fertilizing blackcurrant. With this procedure we have to wait until early spring. It’s best to do it in March or even at the beginning of April.
In garden stores we will buy special fertilizers for blackcurranthowever, we can be tempted to prepare equally effective, Natural nutrient with potato cuts. So how do you do it?
We need to pour hot water after potatoesą and set aside for a few hours to cool. After this time Dilute the decoction with water in a 1:10 ratio. Fertilizer prepared in this way We water the plants every 2-3 weeks.
Such a natural conditioner is rich in minerals, i.e. potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and iron. Thanks to them, the blackcurrant will result in as never before. First, however, remember to properly prune the bushes in a timely manner.