Eating time is no less important than food quality or calorie content. Nutritionist Olga Bezugla explained how to properly distribute food during the day so that the body better absorbs nutrients and does not increase body weight.
How does eating time affect the body?
The science that deals with eating time and its effects on health is called chronodietology. Studies show that the eating regimen, combined with our biological rhythms, helps maintain health and optimal weight.
People have different biological rhythms depending on genetics, age and gender. For example, men are more likely to eat more calories in the evening than women, and with age, the propensity for late meals decreases.
It is important to keep in mind that spending breakfast can cause higher hunger in the evening, which leads to higher calorie intake and increases fat accumulation.
When is it best to eat?
- Breakfast – The most important meal of the day, providing energy and preventing overeating in the evening.
- Lunch – should be the main meal of the day with the most calories.
- Dinner – It should be easy and eaten no later than 3 hours before.
Late eating can disrupt insulin activity, increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease. It is best to distribute calories so that most of them are consumed in the first half of the day.
By following the proper eating mode and listening to the body’s signals, you can improve digestion, reduce the risk of overeating and maintain a healthy body weight.
Why can late meals be harmful?
In the evenings, the body is preparing for rest, which makes the digestive system slow down. If you eat late, especially heavy and high -calorie meals, the body cannot effectively digest them, and excess is usually stored as fat.
In addition, research shows that late eating can disrupt sleep quality because the body is forced to work actively instead of rest by digesting food.
How to create the right eating mode?
It is important to plan meals in advance to avoid overeating and weight gain. It is best to eat every 3-4 hours to maintain a stable blood sugar and avoid sudden hunger attacks.
It is also worth choosing balanced dishes containing protein, good fats and fiber – it helps to feel full and maintain a healthy body weight.
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