Food and dresses are small intruders who can cause a lot of damage. They feed on food, destroy clothes and reproduce quickly. Fortunately, there are effective home remedies to help you get rid of them. You do not have to reach for chemical products – natural ingredients and proper prevention are enough.

Mole are uninterrupted guests who can appear in our homes completely unexpectedly. In the kitchen they attack dry food and destroy clothes made of natural fabrics. Their presence may be frustrating, especially because they reproduce quickly and is difficult to exterminate them completely.

Fortunately, there are effective home remedies to help you get rid of them without using chemicals. All you need to do is use proven patents to get control of your space once and for all.

Where do the food mole in the home? They come to homes with purchased products

Food Mol It is a pest that can effectively make life unpleasant. Most often, it gets into our households along with purchased products. Microscopic insect eggs can be found in hail, rice, spices and even in pet food. Larvae feed on free objects, destroy their structure and contaminate them with fine yarn.

And worse, this insect is extremely durable – Can lose foil and paper packaging, Therefore, it is so important to store foods in airtight, glass or metal containers. Making pests requires consistency and the first step should always be a thorough and regular stock control and immediate ejection of any contaminated products.

How to quickly remove food mole? Act quickly and efficiently

If you notice food mole in your kitchen, you must act quickly.

  • The first step is careful control of loose products – rice, hail, flour, but also nuts and dried fruit. Unfortunately, contaminated food must be thrown awaybecause it is likely to develop larvae.
  • Then wash the cabinets thoroughly with vinegar and water. Alternatively, you can leave a bowl with a mixture of vinegar and hot water in a closed cabinet to effectively discard the insect eggs.

To prevent re -attack, keep food in airtight glass or metal containers.

It is good to use natural repellents – Pests will not bear the smell of bay leaves, cloves, citrus peel and vomiting. Place them on shelves or food containers. Ocet -based traps will also be helpful – the mixture attracted by the smell will be drowned.

How to get rid of moles on clothes? Insects do not tolerate high or low temperatures.

Mole dresses most often nest in dark, few ventilated places. Their larvae feed on wool, fur and other natural fabrics, so it is worth checking your wardrobe regularly.

  • Affected clothes are best washed at 60 degrees Celsius or – if the material does not allow – to freeze for 72 hours. Pests hate neither high nor low temperatures, so it is an effective way of destroying them.

To avoid another pliage, it is worth cleaning regularly with vinegar and water. Another good solution is ventilation of clothing in the sun – insects do not tolerate light.

Collect them as much as possible. In the spring they will come in handy in the garden, at home still