The Virgin Mary, the queen of all angels and archangels, is the beloved mother of Jesus and watches people with her unlimited love and her maternal protection. The Virgin Mary is a strong and compassionate healer and at the same time a great spiritual teacher for us, being eager to help us all, regardless of the religion of each one.
All you have to do to start connecting to her and work with her is to call her and she will be with you. As a mother full of compassion, she encourages us, supports us, comforts us, gives us power and watches over our needs.
The message of the day from the Virgin Mary for the Aries sign
“You need sleep”
The sleep you need depends less on the hours you sleep with the energy of the vital life force you have in the body system that supports you as well as the lively nutrients that you get daily through food. Spend quality time in nature, go barefoot as often as you can. And this attracts the divine light from the etheric fields. Stay in the sun to revitalize your cells. Breat fresh air to help your lungs in their task of revitalizing the permanent brain. The light of creation is permanently refreshing. You can also create new sustainable energy in your body. It allows the holy divine flow to breathe the new life in your daily cells through wise, vibrant and good energy choices. Ask my mother to charge you. Call me how many times you feel in a blockage. We are here to help you and we assist.
Read and these are the luckiest 5 signs in February 2025. The astrological flow of the universe is focused in their direction
The message of the day for the Taurus sign
“Divine gifts”
Now I ask you to trust your divine gifts that you have received from God. Your parents from heaven want to go further with your inspired ideas. When you feel motivated, it acts. Please do not judge your previous work. It was another stage of yours, as a more baby version. Would you hurt a baby that God has given you and which you have dealt with as you could and knew? Keep your new ideas close to your heart and enjoy any thought of encouragement and love you have towards your work. All are allowed under divine grace. You have permission and time has arrived.
See also Tarot Horoscope February 12, 2025. The Queen of Spade suffocates you, the Devil challenges you to analyze everything
The message of the day for the Gemini sign
“After longing for your heart?”
Today I bring you even more support teams and assistance to charge your batteries. It is the right time to let that distract you to take a step back and you realize after you long for your heart. Is there more love, more support, care, pampering or lifting vibration? Put in words you want because it helps to activate these frequencies in the divine. Trying to activate them from exterior sources only will remove you in the long term and why you really look for. Give up old habits that were once pleasant but now no longer feel good for you in your body. Your soul immediately feels the difference and announces to you through the body what you do well and not in this new stage.
Read the continuation on the advice of the people.