COP30: Lula will announce another R $ 250 million to the capital of Pará do works

by Andrea

The president will announce next Friday, 14, in Belém another disbursement of R $ 250 million from the National Bank for Economic and Social Development () from funding to the Government of Pará for macrodrainage and urbanization projects in the state capital.

The values, which are available since today, add to the R $ 255 million already released by BNDES for the works in 2024, reaching R $ 505 million of the R $ 847 million of funding proposed for the project set.

“This is the largest investment ever made by the Bank in Integrated Urbanization of Favelas and Peripheries, a concrete legacy for the capital of Para. With this new release of resources, we have advanced in the recovery of urban infrastructure, improving the quality of life of the population and building a more resilient, sustainable and inclusive Bethlehem, ”BNDES President Aloizio Mercadante said in a statement.

COP30: Lula will announce another R $ 250 million to the capital of Pará do works

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The macrodrainage and urbanization projects aim to improve urban infrastructure and the expansion of access to public equipment and services in favelas in the municipality of Belém, with the purposes of reducing socioeconomic vulnerabilities and adaptation to climate change.

“They constitute a legacy of COP30 to the city of Belém, fighting flooding and flooding that historically affect the population,” the bank said.

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The funds will be destined to macrodrainage of the nine channels in the Basins of Tucunduba and Murutucu (Vilette, União, Leal Martins, União, Timbó, Gentil Bittencourt, Cipriano Santos, Caraparu, Martyr and Murutucu) and the integrated urbanization works of the Mangueirão neighborhood (Benguí Canal, Marambaia Canal and Rua das Rosas).

The works in the channels include: the urbanization of the surroundings and the macrodrainage of the Caraparú, Cipriano Santos channels, Gentil, Vilette, União, Leal Martins, Timbó, Martyr and Murutucu, promoting the ordained occupation of their margins, as well as the access of the population to Urban infrastructure and essential services, such as asphalt pavement, drainage, landscaping, urban mobility, bike paths and catwalks.

It is also planned to delimit areas for collective and community use in each urbanization nucleus, with the installation of social equipment such as multi -sport courts, gyms, green areas and public squares, promoting the recovery of the natural landscape and the consequent expansion of resilience of The entire watershed, especially with regard to flooding and flood control, composing a new scenario for the region.

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According to the bank, the projects seek to solve the flooding events faced in the neighborhood of Mangueirão, the absence of adequate infrastructure for the collection and walking of rainwater and the difficulties of access and circulation around the Mangueirão Stadium, creating routes of Traffic flow in the city that will be hosted by COP30 in November.

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