Government Restructure Anti -Corruption Agency and changes president (which says it has not been warned)

by Andrea
Government Restructure Anti -Corruption Agency and changes president (which says it has not been warned)


Government Restructure Anti -Corruption Agency and changes president (which says it has not been warned)

António Pires da Graça

Menac reforms pass the constitution of their own staff. But the president’s mandate ended only in 2028.

This Thursday, the government approved the promised remodeling in the National Anti -Corruption Mechanism (Menac).

In June the Democratic Alliance Executive had already approved a anti -corruption with 32 measures aimed at “making it more effective to prevent and combat this type of crimes”.

Menac’s restructuring and reinforcing meansIt was one of the measures pointed out.

The intention to change the “institutional framework” of the corruption prevention system, as well as its “governance structure” had already been expressed in an opinion article in December, written by the Minister of Justice, Rita Alarcão Júdice.

Now, the direction of Menac starts to work based on a high school, with a board of directors composed of three elements, one of which presides over to the institution.

This reform comes at a time when international transparency has positioned Portugal in the worst position since 2012 regarding the perception of corruption.

The current president, Judge Pires da Graça, says, however, not being previously informed about your own exittells. “I am not aware of anything,” he said.

“The lady minister made a visit for a long time to Menac. But one thing was the visit to observe, another thing is what the government will build. So far, nothing officially has been communicated about the terms, whether or not there are, ”he said, quoted by Lusa.

“It is a political, legislative problem, and I, as a mere server, comply with what the law determines,” he added, recognizing that “A change is necessary“.

“There should be more employees. These employees should be more qualified – or graduated in law or graduated in finance – for their respective performances, ”said the judge.

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