Safe storage of raw meat requires special knowledge. You must also pay attention to the right choice. We’ll explain how to do it right.
The meat is rich in protein and water, which makes it prone to the growth of microorganisms. Therefore, adherence to the basic rules of hygiene and food safety is a key part of healthy cooking.
The first step to safely consuming meat and fish is their thorough assessment in the store. The color, smell and flexibility are important. Beef and pork should be a distinctive reddish color. If you notice a dark brown coloring, a slimy surface or an intense unpleasant odor, throw the product better. In the case of poultry, the warning signal is too intense fragrance, meat hardness or slimy structure.
On the other hand, in the case of fish are their faded appearance, spongy structure or ammonia aroma with clear indicators of their low quality. It is also important to avoid products in damaged, leaking or torn packages that can signal contact with contaminants and bacteria.
How to maintain the freshness of meat?
Food safety largely depends on the process of manipulation. It is necessary to wash your hands with soap and water at least 20 seconds before and after contact with the meat. Do not allow raw meat to come in contact with other food. It is also very important to use separate knives and boards for slicing meat, vegetables and bread. This simple rule is worth applying daily, especially in the case of unwashed vegetables or products that are consumed raw.
Fresh meat is best stored in a refrigerator in a plastic bag or on a plate wrapped in food foil. The optimum temperature is 2 ° C. Pork can be stored for up to three days in this state. Poultry can be stored in the refrigerator for one to two days. The exception is minced meat, which should be prepared within a few hours of purchase.
Fish that require special treatment should be dripped with olive oil and lemon juice to keep fresh in the refrigerator. Store them in aluminum foil or in an airtight container filled with ice cubes that should be replaced regularly. In the refrigerator, fresh fish will retain their quality for only 1-2 days.
The meat in the freezer has a consumption date. You should watch the dates. After this time can end up in the trash