William Martins is one of the main names in the Open category in the country. Professional bodybuilder since 2019, the Santa Catarina athlete represented Brazil in various places, such as Portugal, Italy and the United States. In an exclusive interview with the blog, he talked about his division within bodybuilding and addressed the difficulties he faces for being a giant of almost 150kg, among other themes.
Open is different
In the category in question, athletes who participate in it do not need to meet any prerequisite related to their body weight before the championship. This causes, in this division, to be bodybuilders who have a higher muscle volume than others, such as those who participate in Classic Physique or Men’s Physique, for example.
For William, the situation makes the “opens” take much longer to reach their peak in their careers. “You see a lot of athletes in their 20s in the age of 20 at the top of the world, and this is unthinkable for an Open (…) takes a long time to reach 120kg, 130kg of stage – with almost nothing fat in Body. The cbum, for example, weighed less than 110kg in his last Open Olympia, which has a similar height and weighed 140kg. Good season “, points out the physical education professional.
The athlete adds that “Open will have to eat more, apply more, get more hungry (…) Usually, the category takes more time. It is not normal to see an Open with a 30 -one years old at the top of the category “.
In the fitness, it is said that Open is different from all other categories and that, to pursue a career in this division, you must have a privileged genetics – regarding the gain of muscle mass.
William, in turn, believes in a set of factors that can lead an individual to be successful in sport: “It has the genetics of propensity to increase muscle mass, but also have the eating part. It can eat in large quantities. There are people who are more or less resistant to the side effects of hormones.
He also doesn’t think objective goals can set the potential of a beginner. “Many times, the novice bodybuilding practitioner has a genetic predisposition favorable to muscle gain, but cannot explore this potential. So it’s not that much: ‘If you don’t earn 20kg in the first year of bodybuilding, you can’t be Open ‘I have heard that I had no genetics for bodybuilding.
Within this sport, aesthetics is characterized by a set of factors, such as muscle shape, waist circumference, symmetry and proportions of the physique in question. Generally, bodybuilders who draw the most attention are those with wide shoulders, thin waist and thick legs, which makes the body acquire a silhouette similar to that of an hourglass.
Given this context, William claims not to have the most favorable of the structures: “I have a slightly thicker waist and the insertion of my dorsal is high.” Therefore, the bodybuilder works to increase mainly his legs and the width of his back, which would make his physique “more harmonious”.
It is currently at the beginning of “Bulking”, when bodybuilders increase caloric consumption to build more muscle mass. To add even more muscle to the structure that already weighs about 145kg fasting, the giant eats approximately 4kg of food a day, which represents just over 6,000 calories daily.
Having a body completely out of standards requires sacrifices. William says he has already sank several beds and even breaking two car seats: “Depending on the car, it’s hard to get ‘normally’, so sometimes we ‘throw ourselves’. And in that, there were two banks.”
Simple everyday tasks, such as tieing laces or using a urinal, can turn into a patience test. According to the bodybuilder, he is “always hot, always sweaty”.
The worst part, still according to the athlete, is clothing: “Clothing is almost impossible to find. I don’t remember the last time I went to the mall and found a nice outfit that served in me (…) Because, even when I find one that serves, there is no fit. “
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