Where to throw a silver foil and plastic packaging from butter? Many people throw them into yellow containers, but it’s not always the best solution. It all depends on a certain aspect.
Although compulsory waste sorting has entered into force a few years ago, many people still have problems with proper waste management. For this reason, they do not end where they should be, what is reflected in the lower recycling options. Even packaging of everyday products, including butter, is problematic. Where should it go?
How to separate waste? It’s not that simple
Butter packaging may raise doubts about proper waste sorting. After all, it is in a way a paper, only on one side covered with plastic and grease. Meanwhile, in a very simple way, we have the following options:
- blue containers on paper,
- green containers for glass,
- brown containers for bio waste,
- yellow containers for metals and plastics,
- Black containers for mixed waste.
Of course, there are exceptions to the above.
Where to throw away the remnants of butter? Forget the yellow container
Regarding packaging that come into contact with food, including paper or those from butter and margarine, the most important question is purity.
- Aj In the case of plastic, if covered with grease, it should end up in the mixture of waste.
- The waste to be separated must not be polluted. Therefore, it is recommended that they be relatively clean, not by washing, but by thoroughly emptying (to avoid the use of more water). It is sufficient to carefully bake the butter with a knife or spoon.
How much kg of waste does a Slovak produce? The report leaves no doubts
In Slovakia, according to the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic in 2023, 2,560 970 tons of municipal waste were established. According to the previous message Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic produced the average Slovak in 2022 to 478 kg of municipal waste And a total of more than 2,597,456 tons of waste was collected. These numbers are worth taking into account in everyday waste management. You sort the waste?
Where to throw away the egg packaging? You should sort them out, but there is an exception. Do not make this mistake