Weddings have fallen to the lowest value since 1980 and divorces also increase, despite the positive impact of the reflection period.
China registered 6.1 million weddings in 2024, the lowest number from that the records began in 1980according to data released Monday by the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
And at the same time, increasingly couples divorce. Last year, about 2.6 million couples registered to request the divorce, an increase of 28,000 compared to 2023.
The historical minimum of marriages represents a new decline, after a recovery in 2023, after consecutive years of contraction, according to the statistical report of the fourth quarter of 2024, spread by the ministry.
By 2023, 7.68 million marriages were registered in the Asian country, compared to 6.83 million in 2022, a number that was already a historical minimum.
Chinese experts explained that the 2023 peak may be due to factors such as to Pandemia from Covid-19which led to a reduction in personal interaction between men and women, resulting in a postponement effect of the nuptials after the pandemic period.
According to experts, the reasons for the decline in the number of wedding records since 2014 include a Reduction of the Young Populationo gender imbalance in China, with more men than women among the young population, the postponement of the age of marriageos High costs to marry and one change in attitudes in relation to marriage.
As for divorces, they are increasingly frequent in part due to the reduction of social stigma and greater autonomy of women. China has determined one for people who have been calling for divorce since 2021 – despite criticism that the measure could make the lives of women who seek to leave abusive marriages difficult.
At the 20th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party in 2022, the party in power stressed that the country needs a system that “increases birth rates and reduces the costs of pregnancy, childbirth, education and children’s education”. .
China registered a decline of the population in, and , The first contractions since 1961when the number of inhabitants decreased as a result of the failure of the industrialization policy of the great leap in front and the hunger that followed him.