Vehicles of aligned when they received again from and after the beginning of the third term of the president (PT). The two banks had not announced in these publications since mid -2016, when (PT) occurred.
In 2023 and 2024, Banco do Brasil and Caixa bought advertising space at the Brazil 247, Opera Mundi and DCM websites. Banks announced in these vehicles in previous PT governments, but had interrupted hiring in the management of (MDB), a situation that remained with (PL).
In addition to buying advertising on the three portals, banks also announced in Carta Capital magazine and GGN website. In such cases, there is no record of hiring made in other petist mandates.
The five vehicles often concentrate their editorial coverage on positive guidelines for petist and negative governments for opposition.
Advertising began in July 2023 for Carta Capital and Brazil 247 and June this year for the other three vehicles. They had been ceased in June 2016, except for the 247, which received advertising in December of that year.
Banks do not disclose the amount paid to each vehicle. In total, Caixa spent R $ 361.6 million on the advertising area between January and November 2024. Banco do Brasil spent R $ 595.2 million throughout the year for this purpose.
A Sheet It found that the choice of vehicles in which banks buy advertising space is made by Secom (Secretary of Communication) of the Presidency of the Republic. Banks just decide how much they will allocate on each site, newspaper and magazine. Secom did not answer the reports of the report.
Information about vehicles that receive banks’ advertising money is on the transparency page of financial institutions – which list publications each month. Among them are Sheet And the newspapers The State of S. Paulo, O Globo and Valor Econômico, as well as TV stations such as Globo, Record, Band and SBT.
Regarding vehicles considered aligned with petist governments, the purchase of space by Caixa remained even after the state’s command was replaced and passed into the hands of the center. The bank was commanded by Rita Serrano until the end of 2023, when she was replaced by the current president, Carlos Antonio Vieira Fernandes, appointed by the former mayor (-Al).
Caixa stated that “the criteria of choice of each communication vehicle, the commercial negotiation practiced and the objectives to be achieved with each publication are considered strategic information and of great relevance to maintain the bank’s competitiveness in the financial market.” Therefore, he stated, this data is under confidential.
Banco do Brasil stated that its digital strategy “is data oriented and based on market best practices, ensuring efficiency, transparency and continuous optimization of advertising investments”.
“The definition of vehicles and platforms that make up the media plan considers a series of technical variables, such as audience, segmentation, brand security and performance, always aligned with the bank’s institutional objectives,” he added.
Brazil 247 stated that “unilateral courts of advertising” during the governments of Temer and Bolsonaro contradicted technical criteria and caused damage to public agencies.
“[O site] It is one of the largest vehicles on the Brazilian internet, both on its website and with its TV 247, “he said. Brazilian political forces. “
The Capital Carta said that “all public sector advertisers from the capital letter, whether government, ministries, state -owned companies or mixed economy companies, strictly follows the established legal and transparency criteria.”
“The choice of Carta Capital, a platform that impacts millions of Brazilians, as a channel to dialogue with important sectors of society is eminently technical,” he added.
The magazine said it has already published advertising campaigns from public agencies from other governments. “Since its founding, in 1994, long before 2003, federal government agencies have conveyed campaigns in capital and municipal governments also conveyed advertising campaigns in capital letter, at different times,” he said.
GGN, Opera Mundi and DCM did not respond.