Mišpule is a fruit tree that you should have in your garden. And we’ll tell you why…
Mispuli is said to originally come from Armenia… and reportedly is the rest of the old cultures that the tree defended for its juicy fruits full of vitamins. It came to Europe thanks to the Romans in the 9th century, but Czech tongues tasted it only 400 years later. In fact, slowness with which she got to the Czech Republic can surprise someone. But according to historians, it is also due to the fact that Mišpule is a thermophilic tree and it just did not want to go to the middle zone of Europe…
You can find out more details about Mišpuli from the author food self -sufficiency. More on the channel YouTube.com.
Source: YouTube
Durable tree
But Bohemia is not such a “ice house”, so a few trees exotic mišpules have taken hold. According to chronicles, the tree was especially popular during the reign of Charles IV. Today, Mispules are not much and it is a pity, because again it will not be such a fragile… According to growers, although he loves heat and in summer steam feels like a fish in the water, but in no way will collapse in the city where there is a lot of dust and smog.
Like apricot …
“Mišpule has similar demands as apricot,” says Mr. Jiří from Brno, who liked this ancient fruit tree. If you want to have it in your garden, plant it in a sunny place with a lighter, permeable soil. “If you have a heavier clay soil on the plot, I recommend lightening it with sand and composts to have enough air,” advises Mr. George, but adds that the mišpule is relatively trouble-free and grows in places where the other plants collapse.
Betting and fertilization
But for your mišpule to take good root, you should add compost to the pit so that it has enough nutrients to the beginning of the new life. Due to the tree or bushes every spring to have a long time to take strength. According to Mr. George, the tree can deal with drought, so it does not delete on regular watering. In addition, it grows relatively slowly, so cutting branches do not take so often. To make you prosper, it is enough to remove dry branches from it in the spring (before it starts to sprout), or then illuminate the crown to penetrate the sun.
The use of fruits
The fruits of the mišpule are also interesting and resemble small apples. When you cut them, you will find that they are full of seeds… But it doesn’t matter! Mišpule is literally a vitamin bomb. It contains vitamin C, B2, but also a lot of minerals (especially magnesium, potassium or sodium).
The fruits ripen in October and taste best when they are overwhelmed by the first frosts. You can prepare compotes, syrups, liqueurs or jelly from the fruit. It is also suitable for the production of jam, where it is popular with apples or pears.
Sources: ceskestavby.cz, https://ct24.cekatelevize.cz