Valentine’s Day brings important changes for more. Lorina, the click! Astrologer comes with the latest news. Let’s see what brings us for the week for February 14-20, 2025.
Horoscope Week 14-20 February
Hard words, unforeseen actions threaten to destroy relationships with one of them and to cut common plans or create an atmosphere of intolerance and alienation. Reactions under emotional pressure will not be late, so you can easily reach difficult situations, you can react violently to someone’s observations. All this leads to the possible loss of reputation or rashes because your nerves come out through the skin as they say.
Perhaps the biggest problems will be related to parents or old relatives, possibly grandparents. As a result of tensions, which seemed to you once in the nails can be collapsed immediately and you will feel the Earth slips under your feet. But, more variant, namely that, in an unexpected way, until 16 you will seek to free yourself from an obligation, something that burdens you.
If you are involved in home projects, they would not be excluded to abandon them for now, because the expenses exceed your expectations.
After 17, the astral climate is calmed and you also manage to warm up including the family climate, previously destroyed, or you can resume the work for the house.
The moment will come to extend your spheres of influence, to attract foreign partners, to evolve spiritually, to meet teachers or mentors. It will be a good time for success and recognition in educational or scientific activities, in everything that implies creativity.
In financial issues, you may not be so lucky, but to spend a lot, to pay in excess, especially between 14-15 of the month. The lack of financing and support can lead to melancholy. If you manage to resolve conflicts and face excessive ambition, your qualities will be more appreciated. Therefore, you can only receive profitable offers.
You can receive unpleasant news about a friend and it would be good to take your emotional protection and energy cleaning measures. Not the other, but you are more vulnerable and take over the weight of others.
With the support of friends you can pay debts and you can facilitate burdensome sponsibility. In this sense, during the period 17-18 you act more dynamically and with more success. Favorable changes can occur in a career, caused by a lucky coincidence and supporters’ support.
This is a favorable time for romantic adventures, for transforming existing relationships, as well as for meetings with new people. However, a restraint must be kept in the emotional plane, because sometimes you can cause conflicts and you can scare potential partners and lovers with initiative.
On 15, creativity and vitality begin to increase. And because of the mobility, sociability and new ideas, you attract people interested in you, capable of helping you discover new sides of your professional talents. You will be in the attention of those from the outside, of the bosses in particular, and there you will have to accept new tasks that do not suit you, because it ruins your current planning.
The keywords rotate around a balance in the relationship with the other. If you have found an acceptable way to work with your own reactions, to accept personal pluses and minuses, now it is time to transfer the search process, regardless of the nature of the relationship.
The needs are good to be adjusted, to reach a compromise in which both personal and partner needs are met. This means negotiations, even tests from the interlocutors, an inclination on the relationships in your life and the contractual clauses in which you are a party. If there are written agreements to be aware of figures, obligations and rights that you have not noticed or noted their potential. You can assume a new level related to the formalization of a relationship, you can move with someone or set up new financial contracts.
After 18, astral support decreases and you will have to pay more attention to your health, career and position. That’s why you have to log in to the Collective,
This time will allow you to gather around your ideas a wide circle of people with common concerns, to link spiritual friends.
Between February 15-16, you will have to make a hard effort and help your colleagues and your loved ones. Someone in the family, someone close, can have health problems or at work. And you will act simultaneously in several directions, in addition to your business.
At the workplace, the bosses may face serious financial problems and professional problems, which will have to be solved by common efforts. Basically, you will need to take on the responsibilities of other people to get the situation out of stagnation.
On 18, more interesting and dynamic events come. The fact that you will have an increased energy and you will be positive in your career and material area.
You will be forced to keep and defend your positions, fight for your authority, career and confidence in others. The old unresolved problems, the burdensome connections, the lack of liquidity in the period 14-16, can slow down professional business and success. It is not desirable to invest funds, to make big purchases, because it would lead to unexpected losses, payments, and the purchases will not bring the expected joy.
A more favorable period will start after February 18 and only then will you be able to act more efficiently. What will follow will prove to be a significant period for future success. You will have the opportunity and the desire to try in a new field, to plan perhaps the change of not only the profession, but also of the domicile, some even wanting to establish the place of residence abroad.
Between February 14-16, you must be careful because emotional and physical stress, conflicts with partners or loved ones, can complicate life. In communicating with colleagues, with bosses and loved ones you will need good will and self -control in order not to cause conflicts, as well as to resolve the tension in relationships. Care, because critics can be destructive!
Between 17-19, the calm will be installed, you will regain your authority, the chance will return and the partnerships will develop quickly. Common objectives, facts and plans can unite and create favorable conditions for cooperation, building long -term plans. Things will move very active, so that the results of the efforts appear quickly, which will help you to look at the future with optimism.
Partnerships become significant, especially business ones. Old contracts can be renegotiated, additional acts can be brought to them, and your position there would be stronger. You can also conclude others, but it would be beneficial only if they are with companies or people you know and have worked with.
There are periods when it is easier to concern others than to stress to manage your whole amalgam of emotions. Voluntary involve in helping those in need and you can even do it without knowing, help more anonymously. On the same line of discretion it is advisable to pay attention to words, you can neglect to escape secrets or say things you want to keep away from the public’s eyes.
Pay attention to details at work, mislead or distract external activities and not forget one last time on a final report, sign it and hand it to and then need to resume or reproach you. The way of working a bit superficial. Do not put the basis on all the information that reaches your ear, check before acting on their base as you need to ensure both the correctness of your interests, but also of the interlocutor.
The period is not so charged from the point of view of physical overload, as intense regarding the internal pressure to switch to another level. You are required to grow personally, to expand your vision, to accept new philosophers and approaches in professional plans, to the individual value system, to see the things and projects in which you are part of another perspective. The current status quo does not satisfy you anymore, you feel the desire for something else, you feel more adventurous and ready to expose your plans and conceptions more.
It is important to open yourself from the awareness of these transformation needs and not to wait for new rules to be imposed or to be notified by normative acts in the office that you need to collaborate with other people from different cultures or that the way of changing you makes the tasks of service. Explored voluntarily, make even virtual trips through other areas with other mentalities, ask counterparts in other countries how they proceed in certain situations, spend time with more exotic people, leaving the city and try out of international specifics. Do not ask the problem of small details now, be focused on broadening the perspective.
At the end of the week you can feel a lack of energy and a sudden change of disposition, which will be difficult to control. Emerging difficulties will affect problems related to family and marriage relationships. In senior marriages, the desire to gain personal freedom will increase, for which it can become a test in your relationship. If the partners do not have a mutual interest in the business of the other and there are high claims, dictatorial attitudes, that obstacles to keep the links become threatening. I recommend you to do everything possible to save your marriage and to return to it, with love and joy.
For those already in a separation process, the apple of the main discord will be the division of wealth. Now it is not the best time to make categorical decisions and it is probably worth waiting.
In personal relationships, you will feel addicted. It’s not a novelty, only now it will be painful. If there is a common passion, something that inspires you both will help find a mutual understanding and support psychological comfort for both. Feeling a deeper relation, you will begin to perceive the relationship as something mystical, and that suits you like a glove. The partner will fully support you and help you with everyday business. You can then appreciate the relationship with him as being in harmony and you will be sure that together you will be able to go through any tests.
This week is a time when many secrets are revealed, both yours and those around you. Most likely, they will not be pleasant and will cause you to reconsider your relationships with many people. Because many rumors will be useless, it will gossip a lot, be more attentive and do not give intrigue.
The period brings challenges by the fact that there is an impression that you have no control over relationships with others and on the manifestations of emotional bursting. Remain with the feeling that your expressions are unrefined, too gross as a way of interaction and the words come out without rationalizing them too much. Simultaneously, however, due to possible replies to the tensions that have occurred, you are revealed things that the interlocutors have kept hidden or that you did not want to get to the surface.
Now is the time to manage certain frustrations, call for holistic therapies to enhance your self-control and release patterns that have previously limited you. People may come back, fears that you have confronted or even physical symptoms that those around you will force you to check or pay proper attention, if you do it on your own initiative. You need to accept that a professional project has reached the end, that a certain stage has ended.