What to do if your fatty plants are dying? 4 solutions to try

by Andrea

The fatty plants are resistant, but not indestructible. If their leaves are flick, yellow or cover themselves with spots, it is the signal they are suffering. Find out immediately how to intervene to save them and bring them back to health.

The fatty plants They are among the most loved for their beauty and their ability to survive with few care. But they too, if neglected or subjected to wrong conditions, can start lose rapidly. Have you ever noticed your plant with soft leaves, rotten or gripped? Don’t worry, it’s not too late! Identify the problem And intervening promptly can make the difference between a plant destined to die and one that returns to being luxuriant.

Often the main problem is theexcess waterbut also the lack of light or inadequate soil can put their health at risk. In this article, I will guide you step by step through 4 effective solutions To help you recover your fatty plant in difficulty. With the right attention, you can return strength and splendor!

Because fatty plants suffer and how to recognize signals

Even if they are adaptable and resistant plants, the fatty plants they can suffer under certain conditions. The number one enemy is theexcess waterwhich causes radical rot and attracts dangerous mushrooms and molds. If the roots begin to rot, the plant can no longer absorb the nutrients, compromising its health. Another common problem is the lack of light. Succulent need adequate exposure to maintain their compact structure and lively color. If you notice that your plant stretches and becomes pale, it is probably desperately looking for a light source.

In addition to these factors, also a non -draining ground It can be one of the causes of suffering. If the substrate holds too much humidity, the roots remain wet too long and begin to rot. Yellow leaves, soft or with dark spots are clear signs of a problem. But how can you understand if your plant can still be saved? If the roots are not completely compromised and the plant still shows a few healthy parts, you can intervene to recover it. The next passages will help you implement the right strategies to save it.

4 steps to save a fatty plant that is dying

If your fatty plant shows signs of suffering, not everything is lost. Follow these steps and you will increase the chances of bringing it back to health.

Remove all the damaged parts

The first fundamental step is to eliminate the parts of the plant that are now compromised. If the leaves are rotten, soft or blackened, they must be removed immediately to prevent the disease from spreading.

Use disinfected gardening scissors or a sharp knife to precisely cut the damaged sections. If the rot has reached the roots, you will have to carefully control them and remove the black or spinning ones. After pruning, let the plant dry for a few hours in a dry place before moving on to the next step.

I immediately stop the watering

If you have noticed that the ground is constantly humid, the first thing to do is completely suspend irrigation. The fatty plants do not tolerate the stagnation of water and need the soil to dry well between one of the watering and the other.

  • Wait at least a week before resuming watering.
  • Always check that the soil is dry to the touch before adding more water.
  • If the vase has a sauce, make sure you empty it regularly to avoid stagnation.

Follow this rule will help you prevent rot And it will allow your plant to recover faster.

Change the ground if you don’t drain well

If the substrate holds too much water, you have to replace it with more draining soil To avoid further damage to the plant.

  • Gently extract the plant from the pot and Remove the old ground from the roots.
  • Check the status of the roots e Cut those damaged.
  • Roll your succulent in a Specific land for fatty plantscomposed of sand, perlite and light soil.
  • Don’t water immediately! Wait a few days to allow the plant to adapt to the new substrate.

Draining soil is essential to avoid future problems and ensure that the plant grows in a healthy environment.

Protect it with an antifungal treatment

If you have noticed the presence of Mugs or suspicious spotsit may be necessary to apply a fungicide to prevent further infections.

Choose a Specific product for fatty plants And follow the instructions carefully. Spray the fungicide on the roots before replanting the plant and on any still healthy parts to protect them. This step is important to eliminate any pathogen and prevent a relapse.

How to avoid future problems

Now that your plant is on the path of healing, it is essential to adopt a few Good practices to always keep it healthy. Choose the right vasepreferring containers with drainage holes to avoid stagnation of water that could compromise the roots. THE’adequate lighting It is equally important: it positions the plant in a bright place, but avoids direct exposure to the sun in the hottest hours, to prevent scratches.

Also the watering must be controlled: Wet the plant only when the ground is completely dry, without falling into the error of watering too frequently. Finally, it is essential inspect the leaves regularlyobserving any signs of suffering such as spots, yellowing or changes in the consistency. Intervening promptly at the first signals will allow you to avoid more serious problems.

Fatty plantsFatty plants

Following these simple precautions, yours fatty plants They will remain strong, luxuriant and in perfect health for a long time!

Photo © Stock.adobe


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