The political analyst of Pedro Venceslau estimates that both the Workers Party (PT) and the Federal Government are betting on a political turn after the trial of former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) in the Supreme Court (STF).
The process is expected to reinforce the polarization climate in the country.
According to Venceslau, the current situation of the Lula administration is worrying, with significant erosion of its traditional support base.
The fall is notable especially in the North Easthistorically favorable region to the PT, where support fell from 49% to 33%..
PT reaction to the fall of popularity
A, reacted to the dissemination of this data with a message on social networks.
Not communicated, Hoffmann seeks to attribute to, as to “Financial speculation” Faria Lima, the previous management of the Banco Centralthe PIX crisis and the governors’ fuel price policies.
As a strategy to reverse the unfavorable scenario, the PT bets on social programs such as Bolsa Familia and the gas distribution program.
In addition, the caption plans to intensify the “political dispute” and make “comparisons” with the previous government.
Expectations for Bolsonaro’s trial
The PT and the Lula administration deposit great hopes in the trial of former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) in the STF, scheduled for the second half.
The process is expected to put the defensive opposition and revive the debate on an alleged “conspiracy to give a coup”.
Venceslau points out that the PT intends to reinforce the narrative of polarizationpositioning themselves as a defender of democracy as opposed to what they call the attempt to blow. This strategy aims to reverse the current unfavorable narrative to the government.
The analyst points out, however, that the month was particularly difficult for President Lula, marked by gaffes of the agent himself and errors from the economic team, factors that have favored the opposition.