Aquarium without eyelashes and the need to often change water: it is the right choice of plants and fish, says the expert

by Andrea

Water is life. And the aquarium in the room offers a truly magical connection with nature. Just watch for a while, and they are saving everyday worries like fish.

If you start it well, the aquarium is not demanding. And if you don’t dare to care for fish, even a pure plant aquarium can be beautiful. However, thanks to modern technology it is quite easy to take care of the water world, in which fish are floating – for starters definitely choose species without special demands, such as neon, non -red neon or rainbow -called peacock. And give them the tank as much as possible – this is the basis of success.


The greater the volume of water, the easier it is to keep it clean and healthy, especially if the tank is widely fitted with plants. Therefore, invest in the size of an aquarium that space and budget will allow you. A larger volume is an advantage even if you set up an aquarium with only plants. It will offer a more spectacular view and more options in creating underwater landscapes.

A magic landscape under the surface

The basis of the water world is always a layer of coarse river sand, which allows water circulation around the roots of the plants. A layer of 5 to 10 cm thick can slightly slop to the front glass. Consider its color in relation to the other decorations of the fish for which you are preparing home – for example, popular neonky will excel beautifully over a darker day and feel at home. You will also consist of stones and wood. It is more certain to buy decorations in aquariums – for self -selected stones, it is necessary to ensure the content of calcium, the wood should be hard, float or for a very long time soaked. When arranging, try different variants, prepare fun hiding places and canals. In any case, the decoration must be stably anchored.

Water world plants

Like the garden, the aquarium will only come alive with plants. They contribute to the purity of water, oxygenate the substrate, provide fish for a pleasant environment and are beautiful to look at. When choosing, as in the case of fish, you need to know their demands on the temperature and pH of water, as well as their future growth. You will find many species with similar demands. Nevertheless, if you choose fewer species and from them you create groups with a larger number of plants. Large solitaires can only grow in a pair.

  • Among the very decorative solitary species include, for example, Amazon (Echinodorus amazonicus), growing higher 50 cm and width up to 30 cm. The temperature suits 22 to 28 ° C, pH 6.5 to 7.5.
  • In one or more clumps it excels best mud (Limnophila sessiliflora) with finely divided leaves. It also grows up to half a meter length, but a maximum of 9 cm wide. The temperature requires 20 to 28 ° C, pH 6 to 7.5.
  • The type for dense group plantings is undemanding Turn Turnha Šroubová (Vallisneria Spiralis), forming graceful tufts of slender, up to 40 cm long stems and leaves. You can choose between dozens of other families, countless species and varieties – even aquarium plants are bred to even more attractive forms, shapes and colors.
  • You can also invite bryophytes and liver, testified by warm water and a permanent dive. For example, different types of quite undemanding family are popular boat (Taxiphyllum), further bladder (Vesicularia) or Štětkovec (Ingrolled.
  • Algae in the aquarium is usually not welcome – although it does not harm, it spoils the view. Remove them from the glass with a scraper, then great helpers are fish that feed on them. However, there is an exception. Eyelash CLADOPHORA in the form of the so -called cilia It is a charming aquarium vegetation. Simply let the ball to the bottom, slowly grow up to a diameter of about 10 cm.

Planting of plants takes place as well as on land. You can easily shorten the roots, should not bend back. However, it serves primarily for attaching in the substrate – nutrients of the plants receive the entire surface of the body. If you plant a cutlet without roots, at the bottom of several cm in length remove the leaves and include the bare space, or secure with a stone.

Technical equipment

For a pure plant aquarium you will only need aquarium lighting – allowing them to grow, pleasure from the perspective of them. And if the room temperature is not enough, add heating with the thermostat. For fish breeding, other necessary equipment is a filter system for water cleaning, corresponding to the size of the tank. There are more types to choose from. Their functions and service should introduce you in quality aquariums in detail.

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What about a flock of beautiful fish?

If the aquarium is fitted and the technique works for at least two weeks, you can go for fish. While all the equipment, and even plants can be ordered over the Internet, for your future opposed friends go to solid aquariums. They will advise you how to transport them, acclimatize and feed them. The choice is mainly influenced by the size of the tank and the requirements of fish for water temperature, its pH and hardness. Furthermore, it is necessary to observe a reasonable number – they will not be well in the overflowed aquarium. For a liter of water (sand and decoration), you should fall at the highest centimeter of a fish body, rather less. On the other hand, for social types of fish (the neon and peacocks are among them), it is necessary to breed at least ten individuals. Only in the flock will feel good and you will enjoy the view of the perfect interplay of their movement. Of course, when choosing several species, you must also take into account mutual tolerance.

If you breed fish, place the aquarium to the wall. Free space can be stressful. However, enough shelters can be improved the situation and the fish will be afraid over time. And how to portray the rear wall? The monochromatic background is proven, especially on the dark everything in the foreground stands out beautifully.


Among the undemanding yet absolutely charming fish are small neon tetras or neon (PAracheirodon Innesi) and neonky red (P. axelrodi). They are also suitable for beginners Rainbow or the peacock of the eyes (Poecilia reticulata), small fish with beautiful tail fins, which are very easy to multiply. All mentioned species are suitable for neutral or slightly alkaline with a temperature of approximately 22 ° to 25 ° C (some of them even higher).

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