Gross salary in Portugal is 1,602 euros, on average

by Andrea
Gross salary in Portugal is 1,602 euros, on average

Gross salary in Portugal is 1,602 euros, on average

Last year, regular monthly gross compensation – which does not include holiday and Christmas subsidies – was 1,294 euros.

A Average Total Gross Remuneration per worker grew 6.3% in 2024, compared to 2023, to 1.602 eurosbut advanced only 3.8% in real terms, the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

In 2023, total remuneration had risen in both cases: 6.7% in nominal terms and 2.5% in real terms.

The calculation of the variation in real terms is made having as reference the variation of the consumer price index (IPC).

Last year, the Regular Monthly Gross Remuneration – which does not include vacation and Christmas subsidies, being thus less seasonal, it was 1.294 euroswith a nominal and real increase of, respectively, 6.4% and 3.9%, against comparable increases of 6.6% and 2.2% in the previous year.

Still in the year under analysis, gross compensation base monthly was in 1.213 euros (Nominal increase of 6.2% and real 3.7%, which compares with 6.8% and 2.4% climbs, respectively by 2023).

By 2024, the IPC had a positive variation of 2.4% and had been 4.3% in 2023.


The tourist accommodation sector registered 31.6 million guests and 80.3 million overnight in 2024, plus 5.2% and 4.0% compared to 2023, increasing total profits by 10.9% to 6,700 million eurosreleased the.

According to the preliminary data of the National Institute of Statistics (INE), last year there were increases of 2,4% in the residents of residents and 4,8% in the non -residents.

In total, 6.700 million euros of total profit will have been generated (resulting from all the activity of the hotel establishment) and 5.100 million euros of room for rooms (relating to overnight), an increase of 10.9% compared to 2023 in both.

INE realizes a softening From the pace of growth of profit, whether total and room for 2023, the year in which these indicators registered homologous increases of 20.0% and 21.4%, respectively.

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