How to grow zucchini: from the seed to the dish with natural methods

by Andrea

Zucchini are easy to grow and offer abundant harvest. Let’s see some tips to get healthy and tasty fruits in your garden or on the balcony.

Cultivate zuchinis It is a relatively simple activity and within everyone’s reach. In fact, they are plants that grow rapidly and also require a few care! But to obtain an abundant harvest it is essential to know some basic rules. First of all, you have to choose the right ground: the courgettes prefer a soil full of nutrients and well drained, with a pH between 6 and 7.

In addition, they need a climate mild and sunnywith temperatures between 15 and 25 degrees. With the right attention to sowing, irrigation and care of plants, you can enjoy a generous harvest throughout the summer. But if you don’t have a vegetable garden at home? No problem: courgettes are also grown in pots!

When and how to sow zucchini

You can sow the courgettes In two ways: directly on the pitch or in the seedbed. If you choose the sow in seedbedyou can start in March, putting a seed for each jar to approx 1 cm deep. When the seedlings will have 3 true leaveswill be ready for transplantation.

If you want instead sow in the open fieldyou will have to wait for the temperature to be stable above 10-15 degrees. Plant 2 or 3 seeds per holekeeping a distance of 100 x 80 cm Between one plant and another, they can develop at best without competing for nutrients.

Fertilization and rotation of crops

Zucchini need many nutrientstherefore it is essential to prepare the ground with a Good basic fertilization. Compost or pellet manure are excellent solutions to ensure vigorous growth. To maintain the soil fertile and prevent diseases, remember to practice the rotation of crops: avoid placing zucchini in the same place every year and alternate with legumewhich enrich nitrogen soil.

Courgette care and maintenance

Once the seedlings have grown, you will have to deal with Some essential treatments to obtain constant and abundant production. Let’s see what they are:

  • Irrigation: courgettes need a lot of waterbut without stagnation. Better water in the morningavoiding wetting the leaves to prevent mushrooms and diseases.
  • Mulch: cover the ground with straw or natural sheets It helps to maintain humidity and reduce the growth of weeds.
  • Shading: on the hottest days, protect plants with Shadows Networks It can prevent heat stroke and improve production.
  • Supports for climbing varieties: some varieties of courgettes can be grown with vertical guardiansfacilitating the collection and reducing the risk of rot.

Zucchini diseases and parasites

Zucchini can be subject to fungal diseases e insect attacks. The most common problem is theoidwhich manifests itself with a white powder on the leaves. To prevent it, you can rotate crops and treat plants with sulfur In case of need. Among the parasitesThe aphids They are among the most harmful, as they can transmit virosis to the plant. To keep them under control, you can use nettle macerate or natural solutions such as Marseille soap diluted in water.

Collection and use in the kitchen

The courgettes are gathered when they are still hold and youngavoiding to grow too much, otherwise they become fibrous and love. If you want to get a continuous production, collect them every two days. Also i courgette flowers They are edible and highly appreciated in the kitchen. If you want to keep them longer, you can collect them in the late afternoonwhen they are still well open.

Grow zucchini in pots

If you don’t have a vegetable garden, you can still grow zucchini in vasoas long as you choose a fairly large container (at least 40 cm in diameter). Usa rich soil of nutrients and fertilizes periodically with natural fertilizers to maintain the productive plant.

How to cultivate zucchiniHow to cultivate zucchini

By following these tips, you can get fresh and healthy courgettes To be enjoyed in many recipes, bringing the genuine flavors of nature to the table!

Photo © Stock.adobe


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