More and more households are bothered by high electricity accounts. If you are one of those who spend a few hours a day in front of the screen, you may spend more energy than necessary. The good news is that easy adjustment of TV settings can significantly reduce consumption. Just a few clicks and you can save tens to hundreds of euros a year!
Turn Eco mode and reduce consumption immediately
Modern TVs have a power saving mode that often remains unnoticed. Just go to the settings and activate the so -called. Eco mode. This mode optimizes screen brightness and reduces energy consumption up to O 10 – 12 %. If you watch TV especially in the evening, a clearer image is not needed and the ECO mode will not significantly affect the tracking experience.
Your TV has a hidden feature that few use
Many TV models contain Ambient lighting sensorthat automatically adapts the display brightness to the room conditions. This inconspicuous function can not only reduce the consumption of electricity, but also protect your eyesight. Head to the section to turn it on “Picture” or “System” and activate and activate “Automatic clarity”.
Artificial intelligence can save energy for you
Some new TVs offer technology AI Energywhich intelligently adjusts the settings so that the image is still of good quality but at the same time economical. The result may be up to 13 % lower energy consumption Without a fundamental impact on the tracking experience. If your TV supports this option, be sure to try it!
Automatic shutdown = less energy washing
How many times did you fall asleep while watching TV? That’s why you should use the feature automatic shutdown. Just set the timer such as on 1 – 2 hoursand the TV turns off after this time. This simple trick can bring further savings in the long run.
🛠️ Tip at the end: If you are planning to buy a new TV, watch his energy class. Models labeled A or B They may be a bit more expensive, but in the long run the investment will return to lower electricity accounts.
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