State Representative Gil Diniz () tries to gather signatures of his colleagues to form the Parliamentary Front by Amnesty to the political prisoners of the Alesp (Legislative Assembly of SP).
The goal, he says, is to promote the discussion and work for approving the National Congress of a project that grants amnesty “to citizens dismissed unjustly as a result of events on January 8, 2023”.
The deputy is regarded as the right arm of Alesp.
Under the rules of the house, at least 20 signatures are required among the 94 parliamentarians for the group’s constitution. The pocketist filed the craft on Friday (14).
“The creation [da Frente Parlamentar] It is based on the urgent need to restore justice, the Empire of Law and social pacification in the face of the consequences of events that occurred on January 8, 2023, “says Gil.
Gil already coordinates the Catholic parliamentary fronts; in defense of conservatism; and São Paulo & Republic of China. And he is also vice president of the Commission for the Defense of the Rights of Human Person, Citizenship, Participation and Social Issues (CDD).
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