Lula Pôs o dedo na lenga -langa ambientalista – 15/02/2025 – Elio Gaspari

by Andrea

When he said that on the environmental issue for the exploitation of the so -called “Foz do Amazonas” reserves went to the eye of the problem.

It is well known that hundreds of kilometers from the north coast of the continent in the waters of Amapá there is a rich oil province. Calling it from Foz do Amazonas is a trick of rhetoric, as this estuary is 500 km from the so-called equatorial margin.

Exploring it, Guyana and Suriname live a period of bonanza. In 2013, A, in an international consortium, finished the FZA-M-57 lot for its eventual exploitation. What is intended for the entire area is a license for new perforations. Defending the, froze the research.

For years Ibama and Petrobras have been in a lenga-lenga. Ibama calls for guarantees, Petrobras responds, and the Pisa Brake Institute.

Last October, 26 IBAMA technicians rejected the material sent by the company and recommended not only the license application, but the filing of the process. Ibama President Rodrigo Agostinho opened a window, asking for new studies and measures to Petrobras (Augustine is at the Planalto Farming Table).

The risks of oil leakage, as well as any damage to aquatic fauna, involve complex technical issues. In this field, both Petrobras and Ibama are respectable entities unless their positions are contaminated by other objectives.

A tanker would be contaminated if he had a past of irresponsibility. This is not the case with Petrobras. An Institute of Environmental Defense would be contaminated if, at the root of its objections, it is a pure and simple condemnation of the exploitation of fossil fuels. In this case, what Lula called lenga-lenga is called lock.

The Ibama Servers Association released a note condemning Lula’s speech with solid institutional arguments. It has not listed a single fact that it dismisses that there is a lenga-lenga in the decision of what in bureaucratic is called environmental evaluation of sedimentary area, or AAAs.

Despite the grandiloquence, the note acknowledged: “But there is no pressure on Planalto Palace pressure so that AAAs get out of paper.”

Zero to zero, ball to the center. Having no pressure, there would be lenga-lenga, disguise of the lock.

In land, environmentalists face binders and often use locks. At sea, Petrobras has already shown that it is not a petroglodite, but is being treated as if it were. After all, if a subject is against the exploration of fossil fuels, the lenga-lenga itself would be a waste of time.

Many good people from the environmental universe uses the lock to exercise their power. It is a toxic tactic. For irrational, robust troglodytes on the other side, and they have already ruled Brazil.

The creation of climate authority is an example of using the lock to preserve squares of bureaucratic power. In early 2024 she was a Lula campaign promise, but was forgotten. In September, in front of the fire, he announced in Manaus that he would create this new entity. Where?

The promise is jammed in the mangrove where two visions are shocked. In one, the authority would be attached to the Presidency of the Republic, with powers over all ministries. In another, it would be within the Ministry of the Environment, preserving all the squares of power of environmental bureaucracy. The project is in the Civil House, subjected to another lenga-lenga.


Amapá has been Brazilian since 1900 because it was conquered on the slap and the labia of Spanish, Dutch, English and French. On the Senate website two books tell this beautiful story.

One is “Amapá: the land where Brazil begins”, by José Sarney and Pedro Costa. The other is “Santana da – The Occupation and Conquest of Santana and its role for the consolidation of the Brazilian Amazon”, by Marlus Carvalho. Both free in PDF.

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