Born poor, woman and disabled is a fatality. How to change this reality?

by Andrea
Born poor, woman and disabled is a fatality. How to change this reality?


How is the fatality of families “tail fishing in the mouth”, where is born poor and have poor children and grandchildren? In Expresso da Manhã, Paulo Baldaia talks to Fernando Diogo, one of the coordinators of the book “Studies on Poverty and Exclusion in Portugal: tribute to Alfredo Bruto da Costa”, professor of sociology at the University of the Azores and researcher at Cics.nova

At the end of last week, the book “Studies on Poverty and Exclusion in Portugal was launched: tribute to Alfredo Bruto da Costa”, where the various conditions of poverty are analyzed.

In this daily podcast, Paulo Baldaia talks to the journalists of the Express Writing, international correspondents and commentators. From Monday to Friday, the analysis of the news that survive the foam of the days. Listen here other episodes:


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