Hand washing is one of the simplest and most effective means to protect against bacteria and viruses. However, many people make mistakes that reduce the effectiveness of this process. Experts explained how to properly wash your hands and what mistakes to avoid to really protect our own.
The most common mistakes when washing your hands
Too short washing time – Many people wash their hands in just a few seconds, but it is recommended to do it for at least 20 seconds.
Insufficient use of soap – Some people think that water alone is enough, but without soap, not all bacteria are removed.
Insufficient washing and thumb washing – Often people only wash their palms, but forget the toes, the thumbs and nails, where the most germs accumulate.
Too frequent use of antibacterial soap – It can destroy not only harmful but also beneficial bacteria by weakening skin protection.
Bad hand drying – Wet hands are easier to attract bacteria, so it is necessary to thoroughly dry them.
What is the correct way of washing your hand?
Use warm water and soap – provides effective germs removal.
Rub your hands for at least 20 seconds – You can gloom on the song line to prevent patience.
Don’t forget the toes, thumbs and wrists – These are the places we usually forget.
Rinse the soap well with running water – Leaved soap residues can cause skin irritation.
Use a paper towel or let your hands dry naturally – This will prevent bacterial accumulation on wet skin.
It is important to remember that hand hygiene is particularly important when returning from public places, before meals and use the toilet.
Regular and proper handwashing can reduce the spread of infectious diseases, strengthen the immune system and ensure well -being daily.
It is also worth remembering that frequent hand washing should not cause skin dryness or irritation.
It is recommended to use moisturizing creams after each wash to protect the skin, especially during the cold season when the skin becomes more sensitive. And clean hands are not only a guarantee of disease protection, but also goodness of well -being!
Hand hygiene is particularly important not only at home but also in public places. If there is no way to wash your hands with soap and water, it is worth having a disinfectant hand gel with at least 60 % alcohol.
However, it is important to keep in mind that disinfectants do not replace handwashing – they remove some of the germs, but do not remove dirt and fat, which may be a bacterial accumulation.
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