Semi -PRESIDENTIALISM is rejected by 71% of the Brazilian population shows research

by Andrea

Most of the Brazilian population is still contrary to the change in the country’s governability model. This is what shows the latest Altasintel survey, which identified a rejection of 71% of Brazilians to the proposal defended by powerful political actors to migrate from the current presidential regime to the semi -PRESIDENCIALIST. , in which Congress gains more powers with the performance of federal government functions.

The survey conducted for the GPS CNN program, to which Estadão had access, shows that only 18% of Brazilians are favorable to the adoption of a government model similar to that of France or Portugal.

In these two countries, the president plays only the role of head of state, with attributions such as the control of the Armed Forces, but who executes the budget is the Prime Minister with parliamentary support.

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In addition, 11% of respondents replied that they do not know which model is best. The atlasintel survey listened to 817 people across the country, between February 11 and 13. The survey margin of error is 3 percentage points and the confidence level is 95%. The interviewers also responded to the level of confidence in the institutions.

Support for semi -presentialism

According to the survey, support for semi-presentialism is higher among voters who voted for former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) in the first round of 2022 elections. Atlasintel identified that 25.1% of this group is favorable to the new government model , before 0.3% of the voters of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT).

PT President Gleisi Hoffmann criticized discussions about the adoption of semi -presentialism. She stated that the proposal under discussion in the House intends to “take from the majority of the population the right to elect a president with actually powers to govern.”

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The debate on the adoption of semi-presentialism returned to gain strength in Brasilia after the new mayor demonstrates support for the change of government regime to parliamentarism, in which the prime minister accumulates the duties of head of government and state. Shortly after Motta’s speeches, the proposal of amendment to the Constitution (PEC) of semi -presentialism reached the number of signatures necessary to be filed.

The semi -presential model under discussion in the House would give the Premier the ability to define the government plan and budget control, as well as empowering the House, which could vote alone the motions of confidence and censorship. However, Brazilians have already rejected twice in plebiscite and refers to the end of the president’s figure.

The defense of an alternative government model to presidentialism has been recurring among relevant political actors. The former mayor, federal deputy Arthur Lira (PP-AL), former President Michel Temer (MDB) and the Supreme Court (STF) minister Gilmar Mendes are some of the main voices in favor of semi-presentialism.

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These authorities argue that political crises would be less costly and traumatic with the prime minister’s figure in place of the president. In their assessment, the replacement of an unpopular prime minister would be quieter than the impeachment of a president elected by most voters.

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