‘First it looked like a truck passing, then I understood that it was an earthquake,’ says Brazilian in Lisbon

by Andrea

João Gabriel de Lima

Lisbon, Portugal (Folhapress)-Brazilian graphic artist and photographer Patrícia Cividanes spent this Monday (17) through the second experience with tremors in the Lisbon region. She lives in Almada, a city that is to the capital of Portugal as Niterói to Rio de Janeiro. She has lived in the European country for three years with her husband, the theatrical director Ruy Filho, and a pet dog, named Gata.

“First it was a light tremor, it looked like a heavy truck was passing the street. Then the tremor intensified, and it was clear that it was an earthquake. I was in the home office working. My first reaction was to take my dog ​​on my lap and we got together under the doorway until the tremor passes, ”he says.

“After the first earthquake we read about it on the internet and one of the recommendations was to be under the doorway. Now we are considering following another recommendation, making a suitcase with a basic kit in case I have to run home. ”

The earthquake registered in the region of Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, was of magnitude 4.7, according to the EMSC (Euro-Mediterranean seismological center) and the IPMA (Portuguese Institute of Sea and the atmosphere).

The earthquake originated in Seixal, a city in Setúbal district, at 1:24 pm (10:24 am in Brazil), a kilometer deep. There are reports that the shake was also felt in Vila Nova de Santo André, Lisbon and Portimão, as well as in the Spanish cities of Badajoz, Seville, Huelva and Islastilla.

The magnitude of the earthquake may still change. The EMSC initially calculated that the shake had reached a magnitude of 4.9, but a new update already coincides with the magnitude of 4.7 confirmed by the IPMA. Other sources point to a lower magnitude of 4.2.

Portugal, especially its southern region and the Azores, is located near the border between Eurasian and African tectonic plates. This position makes the area susceptible to seismic activities.

The country records several smaller shaking with magnitude below 3 each year, which are usually not felt by the population or cause damage.

It is a founding part of the history of modern Europe, however, a large earthquake in Portugal in 1755.

The great earthquake of the 18th century spread destruction through the Portuguese capital at a time when the Portuguese Empire was one of the richest and most prominent on the planet. Sequence tremors, estimated in a magnitude between 8 and 9, destroyed Lisbon and other parts of Portugal, and were followed by a tsunami, the Tagus River overflow and various fires in the city.

Voltaire, 1894-1778 French philosopher and writer, had obsession with this event and used it as a background for his work “Candido or Optimism” (1758), in which the protagonist, candid, and his master , Dr. Pangloss, experience the catastrophe that devastated the city.


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