Expression ‘I am not able to opinion’ became popular after his acting as an Oscar commentator at Globo, in 2016
The actress will receive one of $ 15,000 due to the misuse of meme “I am not able to give their opinion”. This expression became popular after his performance as a commentator at Na Globo, in 2016. The information was initially published by Ancelmo Gois, from the newspaper O Globo. Businessman Cesar Augusthus Ferreira Marques, responsible for the site “Passa Me”, used the artist’s image in a Facebook post without proper authorization. The ruling of Rio de Janeiro’s decision pointed out that the entrepreneur’s action violated Gloria Pires’ image and privacy rights, thus configuring a civil liability.
The actress decided to sue the entrepreneur, seeking reparation for moral damages and materials arising from unauthorized use of her image. However, the court considered only moral damages as valid, as Gloria failed to have evidence of the amount that normally charges for the use of her image.
*Report produced with the aid of AI
Posted by Luisa Dos Santos