Grate, mix and apply on your face. You will reduce mimic wrinkles and you will not spend a penny

by Andrea
Grate, mix and apply on your face. You will reduce mimic wrinkles and you will not spend a penny

Wrinkles around the mouth are vertical lines that appear above the upper lip. They can arise as a result of many different factors, so it is worth being aware of what behaviors to avoid to reduce the risk of their appearance. However, if they are already present on our face, we should use some effective, home mask, which we will make with only two ingredients.

Wrinkles around the mouth can arise as a result of our habits. They result, among others, from frequent mouth clamping, for example when drinking drinks by straw, repeating some sounds or making specific min. Due to the fact that the circular muscle of the mouth belongs to the most active muscles of our face, it is even such a small work, leaves traces on our skin.

In addition, the factor increasing the visibility of mimic wrinkles are genetic conditions. Our age also affects it, because as the years passed, the skin has less collagen and elastin, so furrows appear much easier.

However, if you want to slow down wrinkles around the mouth, we can take some actions. A good way is to introduce products to your diet that will provide us with vitamins A, E and C, as well as healthy fats supporting regeneration .

We also avoid drinking by straw and other habits that accelerate wrinkles. It is also worth doing regular facial muscle exercises.

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In addition to taking care of changing habits, exercises and a balanced diet, we can also introduce home cosmetics to our everyday life that will reduce the visibility of mimic around the mouth. To do this, just prepare a simple mask.

To do it, we only need two ingredients from our kitchen – Green cucumber, which perfectly moisturizes and refreshes the skin and chicken egg proteins, which has a tightening effect on the complexion. All you have to do is wipe the vegetable on a grater, squeeze the excess juice and combine it with a beaten protein.

Apply the mixture to the skin and leave it for a quarter of an hour. After this time, we wash the mask with lukewarm water. Thanks to it, the complexion will become nourished, tense and smoothed. This treatment should be used twice a week, Caring for regularity, which is crucial in this case to achieve the desired results.


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