It’s not just a bear. 5 of the most dangerous animals you can meet in European nature

by Andrea

Relief in Arctic is a real adventure. “The cars are not locked up on the Spitsbergen. So that you do not have to look for the keys when the bear is approaching, ”explains Polar Jiri Barta in the podcast. You can easily feel that you are the master of the world in the Czech Forest. But it doesn’t have to be.

Podcast about life near pole can be found here:

Europe is one of the safest continents. At least when it comes to wild animals that somehow can hurt you. Maybe when you go for a walk. “Fortunately, in the Arctic in Tundra, bears are usually visible for a great distance,” says associate professor Jiří Bárta, polar ecologist and head of the department at the University of South Bohemia. “But sometimes they can hide behind some off -road inequalities. In addition, they commonly go near Ikusy, because they are interesting for them.

And such a meeting may not turn out well at all. Unpleasant encounter with wildlife, however, can easily come to you behind the house – especially when you behave too disgusting. You may have no doubt that brown bear is dangerous, just like the ice. But what other wild animals can pose a danger to humans?


Even if you can think of this beast as the first animal right after the bear, it is not really dangerous to a person. Although the numbers of wolves are slowly increasing in our country, it is unlikely that you would have attacked – in the last hundred years, only about ten fatal attacks have been recorded. When he is attacking with the intention of killing, in the pack, and only if he is really hungry, otherwise he is afraid of one. But he can hurt you and then is as dangerous as a fox. He often transmits rabies.


Deer, roe deer, elk, reindeer… from a distance, beautiful and peaceful animals, but if you intervene too much about their territory, and when the rut is, they can be pretty dangerous. It attacks kicking and truncation, and if such a roe or deer runs on you, it is best to escape quickly. Sometimes deer do so -called false attacks, when they do not attack at the last minute. But there is no point in trying luck, it is better to get a retreat.

Poisonous fish

Of course, you will not meet them in Český pond. But it is enough to go on holiday to Greece, Croatia or South Italy. Due to warming, fish are moving north that you would have met in the Red Sea as much as possible. Not only when diving, but also in normal bathing, you can hit the poisonous lionfish or even a deadly poisonous square – related fish Fugu. What will help? Nothing against the poison, but be careful when diving. Study in advance what these species look like and do not approach fish you don’t know.


It is not just a general viper, which today you will meet in higher altitudes virtually the whole territory of the Czech Republic. During a holiday in southern Europe, you can meet a viper or Turkish, which are significantly more toxic. In common, they are in particular threatening the lives of allergy sufferers and young children, and if you bite you, it is important to go to the doctor in any case.

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Wild boar

Like a wolf, a man rarely kills a man. But that doesn’t mean he can’t hurt you ugly. Long tusks can tear the skin on the feet and abdomen and when it is usually just a defense reaction (only males in the period of heat are downright aggressive), the intensity of the attack might surprise you. When will the pig attack? Mostly when you disturb it. It is therefore worth not to sell with high stands, fields or bushes, and when you see a piglet somewhere, take your legs straight on your shoulders.

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