Life in the race starts at 60 – 18/02/2025 – in the run

by Andrea

There was a time when the race was said to be the most democratic sport of all. There was no license plate tennis, smart watches, premium kit nor corridors willing to make investments worthy of parents of Lulus-da-Pomarania.

But there is a non -financial aspect of this said democracy that persists. The race, among the aerobic activities, is the one that seems to better welcome the today called silver generation, the old old age, I say, best age.

UNDERSTANDING: Not being a collective sport, inhibition for eventually compromising the team is no longer an impediment; Moreover, it is possible for us to entered in years to evolve solidly, not only in volume and distance, but also at rhythm (PACE).

(Giving cheap all the earnings that are effectively worth it: fitness, a day willingness, general health improvement, including mental; in some cases, acquisitions for social life.)

I, who go to 58 this next Friday – Cadeaux to the newsroom, Sivuplê -, I had the second best of my 11 marathons just the latest, a few months ago. But there are these true references in the amateur race that I quote again, because they do not stop stacking miles:

Mineiro Nilson Lima has in Uberlândia Natal a Mara that bears his name, Deferencing does not see elsewhere. At 72, the man has compiled 384 marathons and ultras, including the ten times the nearly 90km of Comrades ran, the famous Ultra South African.

His most recent 42km race was the mountains of Bento Gonçalves, at Mara do Gaúcha, on February 9. The next challenge is already this Sunday, Ultra de Indaiatuba (SP), in which she signed up in “6 hours” mode.

“I am committed to making 16 marathons until May 18,” he told the column. Again: 16 marathons in three months. Nilsão wants to do at Nilson Lima his 400th Mara, and knows God where this will stop.

Pernambuco Lula Holanda, 70, self -titled “Velhinho Sniper”, founder of the wake, perhaps the most famous street race group in Brazil, also likes to stack long competitions, but in the last four years has been more involved with what he calls ” CTD “, acronym running every day.

He makes daily races that usually range from 5km to 15km – are 65km per week – but CTD may include, for example, the Ultra of the cold, competition he himself founded, between Garanhuns and Caruaru. Last year he made the 100km of the race. Lula has 84,100 km accounted for and wants to reach 100,000. “Running keeps me alive,” he said.

And there is WO, Paulistano Wanderlei Oliveira, 65, who before being a corridor, racing diffuser emeritus, physical educator and physiotherapist is a statistician. He has also compiled his shoot from Cambrian. In the first 45 days of this year he ran scrupulously ten kilometers daily, but his scout includes a wider period: 60 years of running.

There are 148,914 km driven.

You don’t have to wait for 45, 50 years to start running, as happened with the nilsion. Today, by the way, they are the (good) younger (well) that predominate in the most popular urban events, type Track & Field circuit. Which forces me to force my hand if I want to use the same imperative of Nelson Rodrigues when he was urged to say a “word to young people.”

Well, you already know or already imagine what he said.

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