Ticks will soon start feeding again. They transfer dangerous diseases, so we must be careful. For this purpose, it is worth getting rid of plants from your garden that attract ticks and make their numbers on our property increase. Check what specimens it is, and also find out how to scare these arachnids.
Some plants are a perfect environment for ticks and can attract them to our garden. They are a good hideout, providing a moist and shaded surroundings. This group includes, among others, dense ground cover plants. They form a compact surface that attracts ticks.
These arachnids are particularly liked ferns because their dense leaves perfectly stop the moistto. Another tempting option for ticks is high grass and unnatural bushes. This is a great hideout for them. It is therefore worth remembering to regularly prune plants to reduce the risk of arachnids.
Among the plants that attract ticks, there are also specimens such as periwinkle, birch, black without, oaks, dense, blackberries or hazel. Fallen leaves also create moist conditions that ticks use to survive cooler days.
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It is also worth taking action that will allow us to reduce the number of ticks in our garden. First of all, we must take care of the order around the house and Do not lead to the fact that dense and uncomfortable thickets grow on the property.
In addition, it is a good idea Setting some in the garden which have tick deterrent properties. Their intense aroma and substances will actively create a natural protective barrier. These specimens include:
- Lavender – A popular plant, famous for its intense smell. It is he who allows you to scare away the ticks, because its aroma contains Linalol and Ocymen.
- Mint – It’s a herb whose strong smell also allows you to scare backwaters. It is best to plant this plant in places where it will not compete with other plants, because mint tends to grow quickly.
- Tansy – It is a perennial whose specific, camphoric aroma scares ticks. What’s more, we can prepare an infusion from the tapestry, which we will use as a natural spraying against ticks.
- Rosemary – Like the specimens mentioned earlier, thanks to its intensive aroma, it effectively scares backwaters. It is easy to grow and develops best in a sunny place. We can plant it in discounts or pots.
In addition, to plants that discourage ticks from being in the garden, We include: eucalyptus, catnip and some grass species. To increase the effectiveness of plants repelling arachnids, it is worth planting them in strategic places in the garden. For example, along the paths, near the lawn or in places where we rest most often.