Matthew Langsworth (32) fears that his house can kill him. This is because, due to dangerous black mold in the property, it has been infected with a fatal lung disease. , he decided to resolve the situation in the legal way, but the court did not comply with his request to obtain any other housing.
Matthew He said he moved into a social apartment in the English Count of Warwickshire in March 2010. Although he had no problems with the apartment at first, he began to notice black mold three years later. A 32-year-old man noted that on the problem alerted his landlord to solve it only by repainting the rooms.
Although He was evicted from his apartment for three months because of his work, in his words the lessee did not remove black mold at all. He refers to the fact that only a few days after his return he began to feel dangerous symptoms. “I had constant intestinal problems and skin diseases. Now my doctor said that everything I have experienced over the past 10 years is related to mold“he explained.
Doctors diagnosed him with a dangerous disease
Within two weeks after Matthew’s return He also suffered lung collapse and spent five days in the hospital. Later even got a septic shock. “After arriving at the hospital, I collapsed. I woke up surrounded by doctors and nurses. I wiped my tears of my eyes, Because I thought I would die“he said.
Now the young man claims to have fungal aspergillosis, a disease that causes breathing problems. However, doctors are worried about the disease could develop into invasive aspergillosis, life -threatening infection in which mold spreads from the lungs to the blood. “This suffering has destroyed my life physically, mentally and financially. I would call it the worst experience in my life,” Matthew said.
He was diagnosed with an insidious disease.
A man estimates that Approximately 75 percent of its rental apartment is covered with mold, including doorframes, the inside of the plasterboard and walls in the bedroom. Housing provider He confirmed that in 2023 he replaced the entire bathroom and kitchen after the water leak and recently installed a new floor.
However, Matthew is convinced that such treatment is unforgivable, with criticized the system of social housing to protect the most vulnerable groups of the population. He therefore decided to fight the legal way, but it did not bring the desired results. “They declared the property suitable for housing what means I am not entitled to another apartment. If I leave the property, I will become a homeless. So I will either die, or I will be homeless, “he said.
Yet the local authority The case is still investigating, although they cannot do anything at the moment because the property is considered suitable for housing. “Since 2023, when Mr. Langsford first reported a minor water leak to his house, we are worked to ensure that the damage is removed. Mr. Langsford SA He continues to worry that his house is affected by moisture and mold and that it affects his health“the company spokesman said.
Apartment of company staff by spokesperson They also visited December 2, 2024, when they conducted further survey of moisture and mold. “The inspector has not found any structural errors in the house of Mr. Langford, but the mold was present on the shower hinge and in the washing machine powder. We also found that The exhaust fan in the bathroom, although we hadn’t been notified of it before, was not functional“the spokesman added. Matthew sued the company and requires damages.
Matthew recently launched a collection on the Gofundme page, while He hopes to raise enough money to cover rising healing costs and replace gypsum boards in his house.