We have 6 months to put a budget foot, says minister

by Andrea

Camilo Santana (Education) cites divergence with TCU, which gave 120 days to regularization; forecast is to pay next week

The minister of, Camilo Santana, said on the 3rd (18.FEV.2025) that he will discuss with the minister of, Fernando Haddad, within 6 months, solutions to meet the criteria of regularization in the budget of 2025 required by (Court of Auditors of the Union). The Court ordered the 120 -day period on Wednesday (12.FEV).

According to Santana, there are differences from the government’s technical team with the technical team of the Court of Auditors. The minister said the government has transferred resources from private funds already existing to the bottom of the foot with legislative authorization. In understanding the Union’s technical team, there would be no need to pass on the resources to the Treasury account and then transfer them to the program’s bottom account. TCU questioned. He said the appeal must pass inside the Treasury account and, consequently, by the year 2025.

“We discussed Haddad, Messiah, all TCU ministers, but the decision is that we now have 6 months to find a solution to compose [os recursos] Within the budget from this period, which we also need to understand if it is from the next 6 months. I am waiting for Haddad to return to find solutions. The most important thing is that there will be no discontinuity of the program ”the minister said in an interview with CNN.

According to Santana, however, the government will fulfill All guidelines and recommendations made by TCU regarding the operation of the program from now on. By determining regularization within 120 days, the Court authorized the use of R $ 6 billion for the payment of the first installments of the Péca-de Step program in February. THE release of resources, according to the Court of Auditors, was by “Negative social impact” to families with income.

The minister confirmed that the payment will be made next week. For the From the MEC (Ministry of Education), the encouragement and encouragement and incentive-Enem will have payments made from 20 to 27 February.

The minister also explained that it will be paid $ 1000 to the students who passed the year. The withdrawal, however, can only be done for those who completed the 3rd year of high school at the end of the year. The 10 installments of $ 200 during the school year have already been paid in 2024, according to Santana. The program was instituted last year.


The incentive-competition is $ 1,000, while the incentive-enem is $ 200. The 1st is a prize to the completion of the series in which the student is enrolled, with approval and, if applicable, participation in national exams . Already the 2nd is for those who registered and participated in the 2 days of the National High School Exam.

The calendar for high school graduates is February 20 to 26, according to each student’s anniversary month.

Here’s the schedule:

  • 20.fev – Birthdays in January, February and March;
  • 21.fev – Birthdays in April, May and June;
  • 24.fev – Birthdays in July and August;
  • 25.fev – Birthdays in September and October;
  • 26.fev – Birthdays in November and December.

Payments of 1st and 2nd year graduates must be made in a single installment on February 27.

  • What is it the program – Financial incentive to public high school students beneficiary of CadÚnico;
  • The payment – R $ 200 for enrollment and monthly installment of R $ 225. There are also deposits of R $ 1,000 for each year completed (taken from savings after graduation in high school). The total can reach $ 9,200 per student.


The obstacle of the regularization of the program to the Planalto consists of the inclusion of funds in the budget without violating the spending ceiling (limitation of how much the government can spend) and the tax target (limitation for the public deficit).

The PLOA (annual budget bill) should be voted in Congress in March, after Carnival. Transfers through the current rule are authorized until the proposal that will be sent by the government will be deliberated.

“In the 2025 exercise there is no information so far about its operational calendar. This is important, it does not have an operational calendar and we can no longer make improvisations ”said Nardes.


The program is one of the initiatives with the highest popular appeal of the 3rd term of (PT).

The opposition argues that the Plateau made use of “Tax pedaling” to finance the foot. The federal deputy (PL-RO) said he would A request for the creation of a CPI (Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry) to investigate whether the financing is in accordance with the budget rules of the Union.

The federal deputy (PSB-SP), author of the project that gave rise to the program, that the transfer was authorized by Law 14,995 of 2024. According to her, the movement has the same fiscal impact, without additional spending.

“I understand that some procedures guarantee more transparency and efficiency in public management, but while the technical issue is not resolved, students cannot be harmed,” declared.

On Monday (10.FEV), the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad (PT), was invited to a marked by narcks to treat the foot.

“We bring him a budget of the 2025 and 2026 budget, what is scheduled for this year and what may be next year”he said in an interview with journalists.

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