The removal of secrecy from the award-winning collaboration shows that the former chief of the aids of (PL) has changed its version of capital points in a hearing in which the minister threatened to decree his arrest, revoke collaboration and Follow investigations that would reach their families.
On November 21, 2024, Lieutenant Colonel appeared to the (Supreme Court) hearings room pressured by the Federal Police’s request and opinion of the PGR (Attorney General’s Office) favorable to his arrest for non-compliance with the terms of the agreement.
PF investigations based on search and seizure showed elements that collided with statements made hitherto by Cid.
The audience presided over Moraes himself, who thus began his demonstration at the meeting. “So we will start very directly, which characterizes my style.” Later, he stated that this was Cid’s “last chance” to tell the truth.
On that day, Lieutenant Colonel stated that a meeting in November 2022 at the house of General Braga Netto-which was a candidate for vice in an attempt to reelection by Bolsonaro-was intended to promote “social chaos” to justify the intervention of the Armed Forces to keep the president in power.
Previously, Lieutenant Colonel said the meeting was a mere meeting of military personnel who wanted to take a picture with Bolsonaro and Braga Netto.
Mauro Cid also changed his version about the early departure of the meeting of the lieutenants Rafael de Oliveira and Helio Ferreira Lima with Braga Netto, on November 12, 2022. In the first statements, he said he left Braga Netto’s house because he needed to fulfill the agenda in the palace of the dawn.
In front of Moraes, however, Cid stated that it was Braga Netto who asked him to leave his home after the military began to conspire against Lula.
“When he entered the level of ideas, General Braga Netto interrupted and said, ‘No, ICD can’t participate, he takes Cid because he’s very close to Bolsonaro,'” he said.
The whistleblower said the meeting at Braga Netto’s house debated ways of causing confusion to force the armed forces to adhere to the coup plan planned by Bolsonaro and allies.
“At the meeting was discussed again the need for actions that mobilize popular masses and generate social chaos, thus allowing the president to sign the state of defense, state of siege or something similar,” says the meeting term.
Cid also changed the version of messages on his military cell phone asking for $ 100,000 in late 2022. Before, he said it was an almost playful request that never came to fruition and that it was intended to bring people to the camps in front of the army HQ.
At the hearing against Moraes, the version changed and said he did not know the exact reason for the money request.
He said that, given the information raised by the investigation, he believed that the amount could be used for actions against Moraes – as the arrest or murder of the minister as provided for in the plan. “
Cid also stated that he tried to get the $ 100,000 with the direction of the PL, but that the transfer was denied. Then, according to his report, Braga Netto got money from “Agro staff” and asked the aide to deliver the values to Lieutenant Colonel Rafael de Oliveira. The money would be in a wine bag.
The term of the hearing reports that Moraes said he had joined evidence by the Federal Police who collided with previous statements from the employee, who would be trying to “minimize the severity of the
facts “.
“The Rapporteur Minister also clarified that if the omissions and contradictions are not remedied, pursuant to the current legislation, this may lead to the decree of pre -trial detention and the termination of the agreement
of award -winning collaboration, with effect not only for the employee, but also for his father, wife and greatest daughter, “says the term.
Moraes’s speech is also transcribed in the case file.
“I would like to make a brief summary, to demonstrate the importance of this hearing, especially for the employee, Colonel Mauro Cid,” says the minister, who began to list the contradictions between the previous statements and the evidence collected by the PF in the course of Investigation, especially the yellow green dagger plan.
“The employee also has not only benefits, but also obligations,” says Moraes.
“And the obligations, the biggest of them is not to omit, not contradict. There is no award -winning collaboration that I only answer what they ask me. No! (…) If there is no effect of collaboration, if A Collaboration in nothing helped, there is no reason, within this idea of collaborative justice, the premial justice, to give the benefits, “adds the minister, adding that Cid was saying” a series of lies in award -winning collaboration “.
At this point, Moraes rises the tone and cites the consequences even for Cid’s family.
“There is already the request of the Federal Police, there is already the favorable opinion of the Attorney General’s Office, for
Immediate decree of prison, the return to the arrest of the employee, “says the magistrate, who then speaks of the need for CID to” a greater reflection “to clarify omissions and contradictions under penalty of arrest and termination of collaboration.
“And eventual termination will even encompass the continuity of investigations and liability of the father of the investigated, his wife and his greatest daughter.”
The minister added to the preamble the statement that this “was the last chance for the employee to tell the truth about everything.”
He specifically questioned Cid what was the participation of Bolsonaro and his government’s high -ranking military personnel in the yellow green dancing plan, the funding of scammer camps and the attacks of January 8, 2023.
The new details presented by Mauro Cid – specially about Braga Netto’s involvement in the coup plot – they retreated from the new arrest request of the military and suggest the maintenance of the award -winning collaboration agreement. Moraes agreed.