The problems in the left block are increased, now with the exit of more than 70 militants in Portalegre. The party’s coordinator relativizes the exits and ensures that the dismissal are part of a minority streaming of Russia.
Elected almost two years ago, Mariana Mortágua faces, for these days, perhaps the most troubled inner moment since she is the leader of the Left Block (BE).
The case of pregnant party workers’ discharges with young children had already led, earlier this month, to the resignation of four political commission leaders who accused the direction of not wanting to investigate responsibilities.
An argument that is now invoked by 73 Portalegre militants, who announced Tuesday the departure of the party and also criticized the lack of support in the district. But for Mariana Mortágua, there are others the reasons that motivated this decision.
“The detachments that are happening in the BE are happening by members of an internal current and that has political differences and has a political removal from the management of the BE and even and other currents and other motions of BE, which has come to accentuate and aggravate in recent years. And this political divergence had as its main center the issue of Ukraine and Russia and the fact that the BE defended military support to Ukraine so that it could defend itself from the Russian invasion, “he said BE Coordinator.
Mariana Mortágua said that of the 73 requests for detachment announced, the party only received 12 And it also rejected that there is a lack of internal democracy.
“All militants, have their opinion, as long as they comply with the BE statutes and the minimum BE political positions are very welcome. In fact, the BE is known, and even sometimes pays a price for it, for having divergences Very public and have totally open conventions with different motions that organize themselves, and that think differently and are represented in the BE in the most different organs, “added Mortágua.
The Left Block elects the new leadership on May 31 and June 1, being Mariana Mortágua again candidate for party coordinator.