The complaint against the former president (PL) and 33 more accused of participating in the 2022 coup plot will be tried in the first class of (Supreme Federal Court), where the minister, rapporteur of the case acts.
To try, it is expected that his office is partially reserved for the theme and that frequency of class sessions go from biweekly to weekly.
According to the Monica Bergamo column, ministers from outside this class are nonconforming and.
The Supreme Court ruled in December 2023 that criminal action trials would be made by the two classes of the Court again.
In addition to Moraes, the first class comprises the ministers, and.
Everyone gave up both Moraes’s permanence in the case’s rapporteur and the minister’s decision to retain Bolsonaro’s passport and to prevent the former president from having contact with the other investigated.
See below who they are and what indicate their positions so far on the subject.
Alexandre de Moraes
Through the main sake of the scholarships, who is a frequent target of attacks, Moraes reports investigations into the coup plot and others who aim at the former president, such as jewelry purchases by Saudi Arabia and for the counterfeit of vaccination certificates.
He has already made several decisions contrary to Bolsonaro, including the retention of his passport and the ban to go to the United States for the ownership of Donald Trump.
Named STF Minister by Michel Temer (MDB), Moraes is also a full professor of Electoral Law at USP.
Cármen Lúcia
Nominated to the position in President Lula’s first term in 2006, Cármen Lúcia has generally voted aligned with Moraes in cases related to the scammer acts of 8 January.
She also chairs the (Superior Electoral Court). In taking office in office, he praised the minister, his predecessor in office, for his performance in the 2022 elections.
“The performance of this great minister was decisive for the holding of safe, serious and transparent elections in a moment of great disturbance caused by the performance of antidemocrats who sought to break the republican pillars of the last 40 years,” he said.
Cristiano Zanin
Nominated by Lula for the STF in 2023, Zanin approached the petista by acting in his defense at Lava Jato. Both kept close contact on the 580 days the petista was detained in Curitiba due to a sentence later annulled.
In the case of the coup plot, the minister has generally judged in line with Moraes.
Flávio Dino
Nominated to Lula, whose ministry was part of the Justice Folder, Dino was also governor of Maranhão and senator.
Ahead of emblematic cases such as investigations into parliamentary amendments, Maranhão has followed the majority of the court in support of Moraes’s permanence at the head of the coup plot investigations and the condemnation of acts of acts of 8 January.
Luiz Fux
Nominated for the STF in 2011 by President Dilma Rousseff (PT), Fux was indispens with petistas with his positions in the case of the monthly. He was also one of the ministers most aligned with Operation Lava Jato.
In 2022, video with speech about both cases viralized among pockets and was criticized by supporters of President Lula.
“No one can forget what happened in Brazil, in the monthly, in Lava Jato. Although there was a formal annulment, but those $ 50 million of the bags were true, they were not counterfeit American notes,” said the minister.
In the cases of January 8, Fux has voted aligns with Moraes. He also voted along with the other colleagues to keep the minister ahead of the case and in the trial that confirmed the retention of Bolsonaro’s passport due to the investigation.