Joana Latino, Carolina Ortigão and Filipa Torrinha Nunes were the commentators of the ‘Red Triskeep’ program on Tuesday, February 18, and were commenting on the main news of the famous.
One of the topics under consideration was the outburst made by Patrícia Palhares, who published images of the newborn son in the hospital, revealing that he was hospitalized due to a bronchiolitis ().
After listening to Filipa Torrinha Nunes criticizing the exposure made to the little one through social networks, Joana Latino agreed and added that she does not understand why, in a moment of pain, someone is “worried” about taking pictures.
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Filipa Torrinha Nunes disagreed with the opinion of his panel colleague and both involved in a word exchange.
“I don’t think anything good, sorry there”began by saying Joana Latino. “I think it’s a problem, a very serious problem, my mother was hospitalized months and I never remembered to take a photograph to my mother”he said later.
The psychologist also considered that “the concern cannot be standardized” and then explained: “There are people whose pain process is registered, both for them without publishing (…) as well as to publish, there is an exaggeration with social networks that exists, but standardizing someone’s pain management is unintelligent Joana, you have to have A little less judgment in this regard! ”.
Joana Latino immediately answered Filipa Torrinha Nunes, justifying her point of view again: “And you have to have a little less bleaching in this regard and you can’t be here just to generally defend that social networks are part and that all the behaviors that social networks lead us to have are justified and healthy, intellectual in this intellectual point you can’t have either! ”.
Then hear the journalist also, Filipa Torrinha Nunes ended only with a ‘attention call’ to his colleague: “Generalizing that all people in the hospital and who photograph have a problem, that is… I can’t counter, this makes no sense. There is a serious question with social networks there is, generalizing is it wrong? AND! (…) Something pain management is specific and we have to respect this and not all pain management involves a mental health process or something unhealthy! ”.