When buying an extension cord, it is worth paying attention to its specification, in particular vein cross -sectional field expressed in square millimeters. If we want to use the extension cord at typical home conditions, then it is enough for us that is equipped with cross -sectional cables 1.5 mm square. It is not recommended to use such accessories that the vein cross -section is less than 1 mm square.
If we buy an extension cord with thinner veins and connect high -power equipment to it, then there is a lot Risk of overload.
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Many people do not pay attention to the devices that connect to the extension cord. It’s a mistake! If the extension cord has a small cross -section and thus is not adapted to more power equipment, then there is a risk of overloading.
What not to connect to the extension cord? Here are examples of devices:
- ;
- air conditioner;
- electric heater;
- dishwasher;
- Electric oven.
The above devices are characterized by quite high power. For example – the power of the oven or dishwasher can exceed 2000 W. In most cases, such kitchen appliances are powered from a separate nest circuit in which wires with a cross -section are used minimum 2.5 mm square. In principle, the connection to the extension of devices should be avoided, the power of which exceeds 1200-1500 W.
It will also be a not very reasonable idea Connecting another extension cord to the extension cord. Then it increases Risk of overload. Such a phenomenon may soon lead to its damage. In extreme cases, a fire may occur.
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