The Attorney General’s Office (PGR) concluded that the “crucial core” of the coup plot was made up of members of the high echelon of the government and the Armed Forces. The institution presented, on Tuesday (18), to the Supreme Federal Court (STF), complaint against 34 people for acts against the Democratic Rule of Law.
Among the accused are former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) and former ministers and generals Augusto Heleno, Paulo Sérgio Nogueira and Walter Braga Netto. According to the PGR, the accused formed a criminal organization “constituted from at least June 29, 2021 and operating until January 8, 2023, with the use of weapons.”
“This organization used violence and serious threat with the objective of preventing the regular functioning of the powers of the Republic and testifying a legitimately elected government,” said PGR.
Expected since the beginning of the year, PGR’s first wave of the “leaders” and articulators of the coup movement movement, according to the PF. On November 21, the Federal Police indicted 37 people by the plot of a coup after the 2022 elections. Then, on December 11, three other military personnel were indicted, reaching 40 defendants.