Series about Darién wins Great Folha 2024 Award – 18/02/2025 – Power

by Andrea

One year before the return of the presidency, the Sheet He visited the only earthly stretch that connects to Central America. The coverage gave rise to the series, winner of the Great 2024.

The award reaches the 32nd edition and is granted annually to the best works produced by the newspaper professionals. The goal is to stimulate the improvement of the quality of content offered to the subscriber. In all, there are seven categories, whose award -winning works are chosen by an internal commission.

The evaluating group was formed by, ombudsman of the newspaper, Roberta Raga, administrative manager of the writing and database, Tomas Pereira de Almeida Silva, legal manager, as well as columnists and.

Creating of the Grand Prix winning series, she was writing about migration in the Americas for two years when information at the footer of a government report surprised her. According to the document on the flow of people in Darién, the country’s border forest with, all Brazilians who crossed the stretch in 2023 were children and adolescents children of Haitians.

Mayara and the photojournalist went to the region in early 2024. They spent six days in Panama and totaled more than 60 interviews, including immigrants, members of local indigenous communities and humanitarian organizations and state authorities.

Published in March last year, the report was divided into five chapters. The first text deals with more than 15,000 Brazilian minors who crossed Darién towards the United States from 2020 to 2023. They crossed the place accompanied by their parents, mostly who built family in Brazil and saw themselves without economic perspectives.

This chapter is available in Portuguese, English and Spanish, but its differential is the translated version for Creole. The idea came from a provocation of the then ombudsman of Sheetso that the material would reach people directly affected by the subject.

The series also reports why Brazil has become a gateway to, Africans and Caribbean towards the US and how this policy makes Coyotes take the opportunity to guide immigrants to the Darién jungle.

The report also shows how socioeconomic inequality separates from Asians after the crossing. Still, it explores the transformation of indigenous communities where young people choose to work with the economy around this flow.

“Darién, the jungle of death” ends by addressing the consequences of underground violence in the region. The number of bodies of migrants taken from the stretch between Colombia and Panama is just a small portion of those who do not resist the crossing.

The report gave visibility to the theme and attracted other Brazilian vehicles to cover the region. In addition, it was recognized with the initiative of the Regional Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross to Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.

The series also directly impacted the destination of two characters. Those who were in Panamanian shelters were repatriated to Brazil. One was gathered with the mother, and the other was identified and is in a shelter waiting for the father, who is in.

Lalo states that the biggest challenge of the report was to access the specific places where migrants arrive at the end of the forest crossing. In the last stretch, they usually cross the Tape River through piragules, canoes capable of carrying an average of 15 people.

In addition to the photographic coverage, Mayara Ambém attributes the quality of the final product to the cartography produced by the infographist. The series has maps of various angles and regions. The team of Sheet It was consulted by journalists from international vehicles who mentioned the quality of graphic production.

Mayara, now a correspondent in Latin America, based on, says dozens of migrants with whom they talked quoted the then possible return from Trump to the US presidency as a reason to cross the continent at that time.

The forecast came to fruition. He took office in early 2025 for one more term, and in January, the president said the US suffered from invasion of illegal people and declared a national emergency on the border with the. Then it started to migrants.

Despite this scenario, Mayara says there is no world without migration. “The question is how we make ordained flows, where people don’t have to die in the sea, on earth or air to try to get somewhere.”

Hole on Moraes actions leads to the exclusive report

A Sheet In August he announced that the NA Office ordered by messages and unofficially the production of reports to support the minister’s own decisions against Bolsonarists in during and after those of 2022.

The material with audio dialogues shows how the disinformation sector was used as an investigative arm of the minister’s office in the Supreme. The hole (journalistic jargon for unpublished information) signed by and won the exclusive report category.

On Friday night, on the eve of the first round of municipal elections in, the then candidate () released on his Instagram page a report that the candidate () would have tested positive for cocaine.

With the calculation of, and the Sheet He was able to conclude in the morning that it was a false document and exposed all the unfolding of that episode. The report was awarded in the hot coverage category.

Although they announce that about 93% of the amount bet on average will return to the set of players, compulsive gamblers tend to lose everything. In the year when the regularization of this modality was under discussion in Brazil, the newspaper produced a report detailing the engineering behind the profit of the calls. The text of won the Didacticism category.

The cable of war between the STF minister and exposed it how the application of federal public resources through is changing the way of doing politics in the country.

The video produced by the reporter with the TV Folha team explains how they enable those in search of the expansion of their political capital. The material won the audiovisual category.

The service category won. The tool created by Folha in conjunction with the allows to consult which city halls in Brazil deliver the most basic services to the population using lower volume of financial resources.

Produced by and Renata Nunes Cesar, the platform takes into account the service of municipalities in the areas of, and, having as determinant of the efficiency of management the per capita revenue of the city.

The editorial initiative category was won by Nova, which now has monthly circulation, always to the first Saturdays of each month, with 16 pages. The children’s supplement has gained more content, in an illustrated format, with interactive activities for children. The project was produced by, and Silvia Rodrigues.

The award -winning

Big prize

Authors: Mayara Paixão and Lalo de Almeida

CAuthority: Adriana Caccese de Mattos, Gustavo Queirolo, Edson Salles, Fabiano Vito, Irapuan Campos, Juliano Machado, Kleber Bonjoan, Otavio Valle and Rubens Alencar

DPublication Minutes: 3.mar.24

Exclusive report

Authors: Fabio Serapião and Glenn Greenwald


Hot coverage

Authors: Ana Luiza Albuquerque, Bruno Xavier and Monica Bergamo

CAuthority: Artur Rodrigues, Carlos Petrocilo and Mariana Zylberkan



Author: Pedro S. Teixeira

Co-author: Tiago Cardoso



Authors: Flávio Ferreira and

COauctor: Henrique Santana



AUTORS: Fernando Canzian and Renata Nunes Cesar

Co -authors: Kleber Bonjoan, Irapuan Campos, Rubens Alencar, Tiago Cardoso and Leonardo Cesar Ribeiro


Editorial initiative

Authors: Guilherme Genestreti, João Montanaro, Luciana Coelho and Silvia Rodrigues

Co -authors: Marcio Freitas and Thea Severino


The winners of the Grand Prix


(Power), by Vinicius Sassine Camila Mattoso


(Power), by


(Power), by Constance Rezende and Mateus Vargas

(Health), by Vinicius Sassine


(Power), by Leandro Colon


by José Henrique Mariante, Maicon Silva, Thea Severino and Manoella Smith


(Elections), by Patrícia Campos Mello


(Mundo), by Patrícia Campos Mello and Lalo de Almeida


(Power), by Flávio Ferreira


(Poder), Por Fernando Canzian, André Felipe, Mario Kanno and Lucas Zimeman


(Daily life), by Eduardo Scolese, Juliana Coissi and Marlene Bergamo


(Illustrious), by Marcelo Leite, Mario Kanno, Douglas Lambert and Lalo de Almeida


(Power), by Marcelo Coelho


(Power), by Andreza Matais, José Ernesto Credendio and Catia Seabra


(Election 2010), by Andreza Matais, Rubens Valente, Fernanda Odilla and Filipe Coutinho


(World), by Igor Gielow


(Special Notebook), by Mariana Barros, Evandro Spinelli, Laura Salaberry and Samy Charanek


(Money), by Antonio Gaudério


(Cotidiano), Por Laura Capriglione and Marlene Bergamo




(Brazil), by Elvira Lobato


(World), by Sérgio Dávila and Juca Varella


(Brazil), by Eduardo Scolese and Rubens Valente


(Brazil), by Roberto Casso


(First page), by Lula Marques

(Brazil), by Andréa Michael and Wladimir Gramacho


(Brazil), by Fernando Rodrigues and Elvira Lobato


(Special Notebook), by Melchiades Filho


(Brazil), by Fernando Rodrigues


(Daily life), by Lalo de Almeida and Rogerio Wassermann


(Special Notebook), by Olímpio Cruz Neto, Marta Salomon, Lúcio Vaz, Gabriela Wolthers, Vivaldo de Souza and Gustavo Patu


(Special Notebook), by Ricardo Gandour and Didiana Prata


(Special Notebook), by Fernando Rodrigues and Claudio Tognolli


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