Uber Eats
In Portugal, the exchange of identity between stabs is more common than it is judged. Safety mechanisms are easy to circumvent. When the time comes to oversee, the authorities seem to “give way.”
A radio report (RR) tore the helmet to the illegal business of renting food delivery platforms.
After all, there are more stabs than one thinks to circulate with the identity of others; and the “Identity rental” prices ranging from 20 to 60 euros per week.
Journalists have been infiltrated by private groups of WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger and Telegram, where members registered with Uber Eats, Glovo or Bolt Food rent their accounts.
Whether for a week, a fortnight or a month these accounts are easily transmitted.
Carlos (fictitious name) arrived from Brazil for over a year and a half and has the process arrested at AIMA. While waiting for the documents to be able to work, it tells RR that this was the Easy business that arranged to survive in Portugal.
“Those who arrive have no documents to open their own account. The solution is to rent another people’s account. ” Carlos says, yet, that he intends to leave this life clandestine as soon as possible: “I am just waiting for the documents to have my own account, I already delivered everything.”
Tariq Ahmedof Pakistan is a Glovo stalk. It has legal account and does not rent it to anyone. Says that Refusal to make money through illegal methods. However, it admits that they know people to rent accounts for 150 euros per month and recognizes this need.
“The biggest reason for the unemployment of immigrants in Portugal is the barrier of the language, otherwise there are no problems. That’s why many people are renting their math to make money, ”he told Renaissance.
Security mechanisms are circumventable
One of the techniques these platforms use to avoid illegal schemes is to require Real -time photo of the statches, to confirm the identity.
Uber Eats Portugal has revealed that it has created “more than 20 innovative and pioneer safety tools and procedures that help eliminate incidents of account sharing”.
But, according to the Renaissance, these mechanisms They can be easily contorantable.
Renaissance, Uber Eats condemns identity transmissions and states that this type of fraud may lead to the deactivation of the account.
A Bolt Food He replied, in turn, that the stathes are “responsible for compliance with the legal rules in force.”
Finally, the Glove He referred only to “various fraud protection and detection mechanisms”, recalling that both customers and establishments “can report any irregular situation through application”.
However, none of the Renaissance platforms clarified how many infractions were detected.
To the same radio, Rita Garcia Pereiralawyer specializing in labor law, warns that this is a Computer crime punishable up to five years in prison.
“In my understanding, there is no identity crime, because it is a consented act. But then there is another plan, which is the one of a buzz in computer terms. To this extent, we would have, as verified, the crime of computer science provided for in the Penal Code in article 221, ”he explains.
Rita Garcia Pereira reveals that the penalties for this type of crime, “taking into account the tiny amount, may be a fine or arrest up to five years.” However, the lawyer states that Hardly someone will serve prison sentence In case it has no criminal record.
Authorities “flee” the inspection
In an attempt to realize those who oversee these situations, the Renaissance came across a kind of successive codes of passage.
The Public Security Police (PSP) refers to the authority of mobility and transport (AMT). AMT, in turn, refers to the authority for labor conditions (ACT), the Food and Economic Safety Authority (ASAE) and the police.
PSP said that the activity of electronic platform operators “is the subject of supervision and regulation by the competent entities, namely AMT and IMT”. This, because – argues – when there are denunciations in the applications themselves, they are sent directly to AMT
But AMT did not provide data on the number of complaints and irregularities in platform activity and stated that This area remains without regulation.
“In the case of food delivery by stabs, this is an activity that is not regulated by law, contrary to what happens with the TVDE,” he said.
Then, AMT said that “the inspection of food delivery statches is from ACT’s competence, in matters, ASAE and also from the police authorities, when it constitutes a crime. ”
But ACT says these cases “They surpass their skills”clarifying that “ACT’s mission focus is on the work relationship”.