The 150 workers who have been dismissed from Pego’s coal center for three years will continue to receive help from the state by the end of the year, and it is expected that by 2027, the new renewable energy center is ready to give jobs. to some of these people.
in the municipality of Abrantes, left more than 150 people in unemployment between direct and indirect posts.
However, this company three years after the coal center closure.
This is a measure of the government, through the Environmental Fund, aimed at supporting these workers, at least until the end of this year, since the reconversion of the former coal center for renewable energy seems to be longer than expected.
It was in 2022 that Endesa won the public tender for the fair transition from Pegoa project in which the goal is to install new sources of renewable energy production, namely through solar and wind power. To which SIC has managed to investigate the company is still in the early stages.
The Spiders Wind Park is one of the projects within the Green Energy, which will be implemented in the municipalities of Abrantes and Chamusca, with an annual production equivalent to the consumption of 350 thousand people.
It is expected to The new renewable energy center begins to operate only in 2027, in an investment of over 600 million euros, with the creation of new jobs that compensate for the losses caused by the end of the coal center.