Azul’s flight pilot declared emergency because it was low fuel after not being able to land on two northeastern airports because of bad weather. The aircraft landed around 5:50 pm GMT in Parnaíba (PI), about 340 kilometers from Teresina. The case occurred last Wednesday (19).
Listen to the moment the pilot declares Mayday:
The audio of the conversation between the tower and the pilot was recorded by the channel and assigned to CNN.
Read the transcription of the conversation:
- PILOT: – Azul 4871 informa mayday fuel [emergência por baixo nível de combustível].
- TORRE: – 4871, Teresina control is aware. Still proceed to Parnaíba?
- PILOT: – I am unable, Miss. I’m without Datalink [um sistema de transmissão de dados entre aeronaves] here. I need Teresina conditions, by the way, from Parnaíba, São Luís or if there was any improvement there in Teresina.
- TORRE: – In Teresina, negative. In Parnaíba, the operation is visual, the ceiling is 9,000 feet. The wind 150 degrees, 12 knots. Temperature 27.
- PILOT: – aware. Do you have any worse forecast for Parnaíba?
- TORRE: – Blue 4871, there is currently no expected worsening in Parnaíba, only for the night shift.
- PILOT: – Aware 4871, then, continuing to Parnaíba.
- TORRE: – aware.
Flight 4871, operated by an Airbus A320 Neo, took off around 4:08 pm at Viracopos airport in Campinas (SP). The aircraft, prefix PR-YSF, was destined for the city of São Luís (MA).
The jet arrived in the capital of Maranhão around 4:26 pm. Unable to land, the plane was orbiting the region, but weather conditions did not improve and the aircraft went to Teresina.
Airbus tried to land in Teresina around 5:16 pm, but also failed because of weather conditions. The plane then alternated to Parnaíba, where he managed to land normally.
The moment the pilot declares Mayday Fuel occurred around 5:20 pm.
See the moment the plane lands:
What the blue says
In a statement, Azul reported that “for adverse climate reasons in São Luís (MA), flight AD4871 (Viracopos-Sao Luís), alternated to Teresina (PI), where he could not land for the same reason.”
“The aircraft had to dodge again to Parnaíba (PI), landing in total safety and following all protocols. Then the flight continued to the capital of Maranhão, where customers and crew landed. ”