Little hope of public safety – 19/02/2025 – Maria Hermínia Tavares

by Andrea

Recent research shows acute decline in President Lula’s positive evaluation. But in the last two years, something has been constant in the measurements of the people’s moods.

Safety is invariably cited as the public’s main concern (above even health). Even though some crime indicators reveal very discreet improvement in recent years – in some states and for certain crimes -, the general feeling is helpless in the face of what poor, rich or remedied live as a daily threat.

No other overall interest opens such a pit between citizens’ fear and the shrugging of the government. Two recent examples make clear the reach of this divorce.

The theme of Public Security, to begin with, was out of the list of priorities recently presented to leaders of the government’s parliamentary base by the Minister of Institutional Relations, Alexandre Padilha. Although the Justice Folder has released two important proposals – “fair penalty,” about the penitentiary problem; and the constitutionalization of the Unified Public Security System – so scandalous gap in the executive’s legislative agenda generated charges and promises.

In recent weeks, the president spoke a lot of, to deal with or the license to explore oil at the mouth of “Rio Mar”. In order to reconnect with the people, Lula went to Pará, where he delivered housing of my house, my life; visited works for the conference on the climate; and followed the announcement of slope investments in mining. All properly displayed on the official government page on Instagram.

But he has not seen a word about what to do with the inconvenient truth that the average lethal rate in the region is 45% higher than the national average – which is already scared. Also higher than those in force in the country are the rates of violent deaths of indigenous people, femicides and rapes. There are 15 municipalities on the list of Brazilian homicide champions. Produced by the Brazilian Public Security Forum, the data are in “” November 2023.

At that point, organized crime – which controls illegal wood, ores, forest products, as well as drug trafficking and people – had already settled in 178 cities, where almost 60% of Amazonics live.

There is no easy solution for public safety; much less hope of short -term results. An innovative policy to be valid will face many challenges. The lack of consensus among the elites is the first of them. The coordination questions between different organs of the judiciary and the Executive and between the federation entities are followed. Finally, politicians, bureaucracies and powerful corporations, all attached to the current security system, will be difficult to double.

Moreover, in democracies – primarily when there is reelection to the executive – the duration of the mandates is the horizon of action of the rulers. Policies that bring benefits to be harvested by successors hardly enter the list of priorities of the incumbent – SALVO when a career leader seeks a place in history rather than dubious reelection.

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