This Wednesday, February 20, TVI celebrates its 32nd anniversary and so, in the program ‘Two to 10’ today, Claudio Ramos received several faces from the channel, with a view to recalling his best moments.
Luísa Castel-Branco was one of the guests and, after viewing images of much of her TVI programs, made a sincere outburst.
After recalling that he has been in TVI for 20 years and that he made his debut in the ‘Money in Sight’ contest, Luísa Castel-Branco said: “I’m happy finally”started by sharpening. “I was never happy- and said that in interviews, many- and nowadays I’m really happy. In general I was not happy, I had happy moments but could not say it was happy. Nowadays, my life is very calm, very nice and I’m happy ”concluded.