Can’t you watch a dirty shower in the bathroom anymore? If you still can’t clean it despite regular cleaning, do not lose money for another product from the store. Instead, use a cheap product from the kitchen unit to clean. It costs only a few small ones and fights perfectly against unpleasant stains.

Do you think of cleaning the shower as the worst task in cleaning the bathroom? You are not the only one. It is an activity that consumes a lot of energy and time and often does not produce satisfactory results.

Therefore, it makes no sense to spend money on the next unused product from the store, which can damage your health and not always well removes dried stains from soap or hard water. Before you go for purchases, Try home shower using a cheap product from the kitchen unit.

How to clean the shower with a home product? Use vinegar and citric acid.

To clean the shower You can use a water and vinegar solution in a 1: 1 ratio. Just use one cup of each folder. Soak the sponge in the solution and wipe the cabin with a soft sponge. Rinse with cold water after 30 minutes.

To remove more serious spots you will need mixture 0.5 cups of hydrogen peroxide, 0.5 cups of disinfectant alcohol, 1 teaspoon of dishwashing agent, 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 2 cups of water. No stain will have a chance with it, just wipe the cabin in a circular motion.

Ocot It has disinfectant properties, so he also cope with bacteria in the bathroom. You can instead of this preparation for shower cleaning Also use citric acid. Pour it on a cloth and wash the shower (do not use this method if it has marble elements, as then the color may change). See also the next use of citric acid in the bathroom.

What about mold in the shower? Baking soda works great

If you have a mold on the silicone in your shower, you also don’t have to panic. If the problem is not drastic, you can also contact home cleaning products.

One of the best preparations for such tasks turns out to be Combination of baking soda and water. Mix them and create a thick paste, which you must then apply to dirt, lightly spread to specific places and wash off after 15 minutes.

Yellow spots and scale disappear after 15 minutes. One tablet is enough. Your shower will shine