O cannot afford to hold a strictly technical judgment of the former president according to the lawyer and professor of constitutional law André Marsiglia. In an interview with WW This Wednesday (19), the expert argued that the growing politicization of the Court compromises its capacity for impartial analysis in cases of high political relevance.
Marsiglia pointed out that the STF “has been politicizing in such a way that there are few themes that can face” without faced with political issues. The lawyer stressed that it is “impossible to disconnect the STF” of controversial statements made by his ministers, citing as an example the speech of : “We defeat pockets.”
Fake News inquiry and STF Politization
The expert also mentioned the fake news inquiry, which began in 2019, as a milestone in the politicization of the Supreme. According to Marsiglia, issues such as the “absolute competence of the Supreme Court for everything” and “inaccessibility to the file for lawyers” have been present since the beginning of this process and remain the subject of criticism.
“When the Supreme Court added, there in 2019, 2+2 gave five, all the accounts began to be wrong from then on,” said the professor, using a metaphor to illustrate how controversial decisions of the past continue to influence the perception of the court .
Marsiglia concluded his analysis warning that even when the STF gets it right in his decisions after this “kick -off” of politicization, his actions “will always be eighted with addictions and inevitable politicization”.