The students of seconds and fifth years of the municipal network of São Paulo They had an advance in Portuguese and Mathematics, according to data from SARESP (São Paulo State School performance evaluation system). The numbers compare the results of 2024 and 2023.
In Portuguese, the proficiency of the students of the second year went from 155.3 to 176.8. Already in, the average went from 149.3 to 170.5.
Among students of the fifth year, proficiency has passed from 184.9 to 186.9 And in mathematics, it was 196.3 to 198.6.
This was the second time students participated in SARESP, a test promoted by the São Paulo State Government, with the objective of evaluating the performance of students and public and private schools.
Recently, the CNN published the. The numbers indicate a similar performance compared to students of the second year, who had a significant improvement.
Students from the final years of elementary school – 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th grade – and high school also had an increase, but lower compared to the early years of elementary school – 2nd and 5th grade.